1995 "Prisoners for Peace" (U.N.related)

by sf 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    < http://www.kampagne.de/english/world/wri1611.html

    1995 list of Prisoners for Peace
    by War Resisters' International

    The defence ministry has been conscripting Jehovah's Witnesses since 1 April 1994. Last year over 35 religious objectors spent between 6 days and 6 1/2 months in jail. There are currently 3 Jehovah's Witnesses in prison.

    Luis Gabriel Caldas León
    Carrera 34A este
    #91A-39 Sur
    Bogotá, Colombia
    (in 06/95 - out 02/96)
    Jailed for desertion despite never having joined the armed forces. Was refused the right to do alternative service, despite a 1993 law providing for an alternative environmental service.
    Amnesty International reports that there are religious COs currently imprisoned in southern Cyprus. However, they do not wish to have their names published. Many COs face repeated sentences, as they continue to refuse conscription once they are released.

    Seppo Raittila
    Naarajärven varavankila
    76851 Naarajärvi, Finland
    (in 13/06/95 -- out 30/12/95)
    Total objector
    A general amnesty law was passed in August 1995, following the last presidential election. The law grants an amnesty to total resisters or deserters who present themselves willingly to the authorities until 31/12/95. As the law is only starting to be enacted now, it is still unclear whether COs currently in prison (most of them Jehovah's Witnesses) will be freed or not. Total resisters usually get between a 1 month suspended sentence and 18 months in jail.

    Daniel Arndt
    z.Z.4./ PzArtBtl 285
    Hauptstrasse 100
    D-72525 Muensingen, Germany
    Total objector; in 09/10/95 ~ out 31/12/95
    Greece is the only member of the European Union which has not yet recognised the right to CO. It has no alternative civilian service. Currently some 310 Jehovah's Witnesses are in prison for refusing military service, generally serving 4-year sentences.

    For Jehovah's Witnesses:
    "Imprisoned objectors"
    c/o Thanassis Reppas (lawyer)
    10 Lykourgu St
    10551 Athens, Greece
    The following non-religious COs are also in prison:
    Nikos Karanikas
    Military Prison
    Pavlou Mela Camp
    STG - 10002
    Thessaloniki, Greece
    Sentenced to 4 years on 5/10/95 in Thessaloniki. Appeal hearing scheduled for 19/12/95.
    Stephanos Asimakopoulos
    Avlona Military Prison
    STG 910/D
    190 11 Athens, Greece
    Arrested in Patras on 25/10/95. Trial scheduled for 15/11/95.
    A warrant has been issued against Dimitri Sotiropoulos, a member of the Association of Greek COs in Athens.
    Mordechai Vanunu
    Ashkelon Prison
    POB 17
    Ashkelon, Israel
    Kidnapped in Italy in 1986, sentenced in 1988 to 18 years for exposing Israel's nuclear programme. Still in solitary confinement.
    Two Jehovah's Witness COs are also currently in prison:
    Jehovah's Witnesses Centre
    Gruzenberg Corner
    Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel
    Although compulsory military service will be abolished from 1 January 1997, several total objectors are still awaiting trial and one of them is currently in jail.

    André Schreiner
    Postbus 304
    1700 AH Heerhugowaard, Netherlands
    (in 03/07/95 out 08/01/96)
    total objector
    All male citizens and permanent residents are required to do 2 years' full military service, followed by reserve duty periods of up to 40 days annually until they are 40 years old. Singapore does not recognise the right to conscientious objection. COs are court-martialed and sentenced to 12 months in the military detention barracks. After completion of their sentence, they are called up again and non-compliance results in further detention for 24 months. All detained COs are Jehovah's Witnesses. Since 1994, some of them have begun to plead not guilty to the charges against them, which has led to longer initial sentences of 15 months. Among the 36 Jehovah's Witnesses currently imprisoned are:

    Wai Hung Khan
    Kian Tiong Ching
    Dah Yin Low
    Wee Siong Lim
    Ping Hun Chong
    Suthintheran Nair
    Robert Chok
    Chong Martin Tsay
    AFPN 1325
    Mindef General Comcen
    Singapore 669638, Singapore
    The legal sanctions against total obejctors (insumisos) are being changed; see article page 9. Under the current system, insumisos are held in either 2nd or 3rd grade imprisonment (as indicated after their names) and normally serve sentences of 2 years 4 months 1 day.

    Javier Roncero Heras (3rd)
    C P La Torrecica
    Carretera de Ayora Km 72
    02071 Albacete, State of Spain
    Antonio Afonso (2nd)
    Adolfo Fernández González (2nd)
    Asier Martín (3rd)
    Daniel Lorenzo López (3rd)
    Pablo Sastre Alvaro (3rd)
    Roberto Garcia Ramos (3rd)
    C P de Villabona
    Módulo 2, Finca Tabladiello
    33207 Asturies, State of Spain
    Fernando Mendiola Gonzalo (2nd)
    Ignacio Arenal Sánchez (2nd)
    Ignacio Arnal Sanchez (2nd)
    José R Gómez Prieto (2nd)
    Josean Sevilla Arnaiz (2nd)
    Juanjo Obregón Sancho (2nd)
    Mikel Osoa Olabarrieta (2nd)
    Patxi Fernández Sainz (2nd)
    Todor Zelaia Etxaburu (2nd)
    Urko Palacios Zenarruzab (2nd)
    Zigor Murgoitio Gastelurru (2nd)
    Aitor Ormaetxea Zenikazelaia (3rd)
    Aitor Aldekoetxea Arakistain (3rd)
    Andoni Aldekoetxea Arakistain (3rd)
    Andoni Zabalza lotina (3rd)
    Antonio Romano Escobar (3rd)
    Arturo Garcia Domínguez (3rd)
    Beni Aguirrea Fuentes (3rd)
    Borja Zabala González (3rd)
    Daniel A Sainz Méndez (3rd)
    Diego Pumar Vallejo (3rd)
    Enrique Musatadi Berasaluze (3rd)
    Esteban Ballestero Herrero (3rd)
    Etor Etxebarria Aristi (3rd)
    Gorka Iruarrizaga Barragan (3rd)
    Gotzon Bedialauneta Arrizabala (3rd)
    Haritz Leanizbarrutia Urizarbarrutia (3rd)
    Heriberto Lago Lekue (3rd)
    Ibon Irazola Kortabitarte (3rd)
    Ignacio García Bermejo (3rd)
    Igor Argritxona Iraurgi (3rd)
    Imanol Pera Ruiz (3rd)
    Iñaki Ibarra Martín (3rd)
    Iñigo Goñi Bengoa (3rd)
    Ismael Martínez (3rd)
    Jabi Berasaluze Estrueba (3rd)
    Jon J Argoitia Mendizabala (3rd)
    José M Renedo Fernández (3rd)
    Juan M Beaskoetxea Calero (3rd)
    Juan C Cuesta Gago (3rd)
    Juan Carlos Alonso Fernández (3rd)
    Kirmen Uribe Urbieta (3rd)
    Lino Prieto Martínez (3rd)
    Luis Artola Ibarguren (3rd)
    Manu Arenal Gil (3rd)
    Manuel Ahedo Santiestebán (3rd)
    Miguel Pérez Alvarez (3rd)
    Mikel Olaetxea Amor (3rd)
    Mikel Ortiz Etxebarria (3rd)
    Pablo Fernández Somavilla (3rd)
    Pedro Melganejo Reboso (3rd)
    Sabin A Errazti Olartekoetxea (3rd)
    Serafín Ruano Pin (3rd)
    Unai Hernández Losada (3rd)
    Unai Incera Rebolledo (3rd)
    Unai Orue Rivero (3rd)
    Unai Bengoetxea Ocerinjaur (3rd)
    Víctor Varela Sánchez (3rd)
    C P de Basauri
    C/Lehendakari Aguirre 92
    Basauri, Bizkaia, State of Spain
    Alvaro Redondo Elizondo (2nd)
    Carlos Martínez Baztán (2nd)
    Adolfo Afonso Undabarria (3rd)
    C P de Nanclares
    Nanclares de la Oca (Araba), State of Spain
    Alfredo Liras César (2nd)
    Bittor Elbusto Mazquiarán (2nd)
    David Ardanaz de Carlos (2nd)
    Félix Agusti Martí (2nd)
    Gaizka Aranguren Urrotz (2nd)
    Iñaki López Rubio (2nd)
    Iñigo Rudi (2nd)
    Iñigo Balbas Ruiz (2nd)
    Jacinto Gómez Viniega (2nd)
    Jesús Lacea Beraza (2nd)
    Jesús Lecea (2nd)
    Jon Márquez Roncal (2nd)
    José R Ziriza Ortiz (2nd)
    Juan C Lakasta Zubero (2nd)
    Juan Goikoetxea (2nd)
    Manuel López Montes (2nd)
    Martín Celaya García (2nd)
    Mikel Cormenzana (2nd)
    Patxi Villares Loigorri (2nd)
    Ricardo Marques Rodríguez (2nd)
    Txema Baiarena (2nd)
    Alberto Parrat (3rd)
    Alberto Glaria (3rd)
    Alex Ramírez (3rd)
    Alfonso Rodrigo Ortiz (3rd)
    Alfonso Etxarri (3rd)
    Alfredo García Urmuoa (3rd)
    Alfredo García Falces (3rd)
    Alvaro Armendáriz (3rd)
    Andoni Andoño (3rd)
    Andrés Vergara (3rd)
    Angel del Campo (3rd)
    Angel Pardo (3rd)
    Arturo Balbuena (3rd)
    Boni Romero (3rd)
    Carlos Ibáñez (3rd)
    Carmelo Peña (3rd)
    César Aguirre (3rd)
    Cristobal López (3rd)
    Cruz Aranguren (3rd)
    Diego Cruces (3rd)
    Eduardo Andoño (3rd)
    Eduardo A Larrondo (3rd)
    Ernesto Garcés (3rd)
    Etor Iturko (3rd)
    Félix García (3rd)
    Fermín Larumbe (3rd)
    Fermín Palomo Curiel (3rd)
    Fernando Monasterio Ubani (3rd)
    Fernando Txurruka Iza (3rd)
    Fernando Vázquez González (3rd)
    Fernando Txueka (3rd)
    Fidel Mendía (3rd)
    Francisco Ruiz Cerón (3rd)
    Gorka Valez Aristu (3rd)
    Igor Sanz Urra (3rd)
    Igor Urra (3rd)
    Iñaki Lizarbe (3rd)
    Iñaki Apeztegia (3rd)
    Iñaki Apestegia (3rd)
    Iñigo Garmendia (3rd)
    Iván Gutiérrez Gordino (3rd)
    Jaime Encinas (3rd)
    Javier Mendía (3rd)
    Javier Navarro (3rd)
    Javier Moleres (3rd)
    Javier Bergara (3rd)
    Jesús Moreno (3rd)
    Jonás Torres (3rd)
    Jorge Eseberri Eguia (3rd)
    José A Martín Pérez (3rd)
    José A Otxoa (3rd)
    José G Fraile Ramírez (3rd)
    Josetxo Garín (3rd)
    Josetxo Monasterio (3rd)
    Josu Salvatierra (3rd)
    Josu Arizmendi (3rd)
    Josu Baio (3rd)
    Josu Bayo (3rd)
    Juan M Almeida Domínguez (3rd)
    Juan M Isturiz Asenjo (3rd)
    Juan Cuella (3rd)
    Juan I Olaizola (3rd)
    Juan I Madariaga Coido (3rd)
    Juanjo Oses Soret (3rd)
    Karlos Ortiz (3rd)
    Karlos Díaz (3rd)
    Mario Da Silva Giménez (3rd)
    Miguel A Beriain Plano (3rd)
    Miguel Artola (3rd)
    Miguel Azanza (3rd)
    Mikel Lakasta (3rd)
    Mikel Roa (3rd)
    Mikel Cormenzana (3rd)
    Mikel Tarifa (3rd)
    Norberto Villanueva Martínez (3rd)
    Oscar Ilzarbe Legaria (3rd)
    Oskar Urricelqui (3rd)
    Oskar Urrizelki (3rd)
    Pablo J Gorriz Ayesa (3rd)
    Patxi Zoroza (3rd)
    Patxi Ilarraz (3rd)
    Patxi Urroz (3rd)
    Patxi Pascual (3rd)
    Patxi Dolara (3rd)
    Patxi Ilzarbe (3rd)
    Pedro Zamora (3rd)
    Pedro Gil (3rd)
    Pedro Navarro (3rd)
    Peio Ozkoidi (3rd)
    Peio Ibáñez (3rd)
    Rafael Rodríguez García (3rd)
    Raúl Rípodas (3rd)
    Ricardo Areta Urretarazu (3rd)
    Roberto Navarro (3rd)
    Rodrigo Casado (3rd)
    Rubén Maestrojua (3rd)
    Rubén Esparza Iruza (3rd)
    Rubén Ciganda (3rd)
    Samuel Elkoaz (3rd)
    Sergio Galarza (3rd)
    Txema Lampreabe (3rd)
    Valentín Oses Salinas (3rd)
    Vicente Romero (3rd)
    Xabier León (3rd)
    C P de Iruña
    C/ San Roque Apdo 250
    31080 Iruña, State of Spain
    Carlos Ezkurra (2nd)
    C P de Ocaña 1
    C/ Mártires s/n Apdo 7
    4530 Ocaña (Toledo), State of Spain
    Luis A Pérez Jiménez (3rd)
    Oskar Bizkai (2nd)
    C P Alcalá Meco 2 Apdo 1195
    28880 Alcalá De Henares (Madrid), State of Spain
    Francesc Montenegro (3rd)
    Juan A Guerra Ballestero (3rd)
    Pere Comellas Casanova (3rd)
    C P la Modelo
    Apdo 20 Barcelona, State of Spain
    Rafael Contreras Doña (3rd)
    C P Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz), State of Spain
    Toni Roig Navarro (3rd)
    C P de Castello
    Carretera de Alcora Km 10
    12071 Castello, State of Spain
    Antonio Liñán (3rd)
    Prisión provincial de Córdoba
    Apdo 479
    14071 Córdoba, State of Spain
    José M García Espadas (3rd)
    Prisión de Herrera de la Mancha
    Apdo 77, 13200 Manzanares (Ciudad Real), State of Spain
    Chabier Gimeno Montarde (2nd)
    Javier Aguado Navarro (2nd)
    Javier Clarimón (2nd)
    José A Aliaga Cucalón (2nd)
    Manuel Naudín (2nd)
    Sergio Callau (2nd)
    Alberto Pérez (3rd)
    Alvaro Arnaiz Gómez (3rd)
    César Gobernador Carreras (3rd)
    Chuaquín Polo (3rd)
    David Burgos (3rd)
    David Grima (3rd)
    David Goñi Germán (3rd)
    Eduardo Campos Mora (3rd)
    Emilio Burgos (3rd)
    Félix Romeo (3rd)
    Fermín Puertolaz (3rd)
    Iñaki Mur Idoy (3rd)
    José A Estebán Larrea (3rd)
    José L Pueyo Serrano (3rd)
    José R Zambrano (3rd)
    José I Contel López (3rd)
    José González (3rd)
    José M Santo Tomás (3rd)
    Luis Merín Flores (3rd)
    Manuel Merín (3rd)
    Martín Abril Esco (3rd)
    Miguel Mut Signes (3rd)
    Natanael Falo Alquerraz (3rd)
    Rafael Martín (3rd)
    Ricardo Royo (3rd)
    Ronald Sandoval (3rd)
    Salvador Escola (3rd)
    Sergi Rodríguez (3rd)
    C P de Zaragoza
    Avenida de America 80
    50007 Zaragoza, State of Spain
    Agustín Rivas (3rd)
    Aitor Landaluze Duke (3rd)
    Aitor Mendizabal San Sebastián (3rd)
    Alex Alberdi Izagirre (3rd)
    Ander Zaldua Gesalaga (3rd)
    Asier Altolagirre Irijalba (3rd)
    Daniel Fernández (3rd)
    David Zapirain Karrika (3rd)
    Endika del Río Lobregat (3rd)
    Francisco J Labaka Polo (3rd)
    Gastón Loreabal Arozena (3rd)
    Gorka Morenas (3rd)
    Iñaki Camatxo (3rd)
    Ixaka Cruz Aranguren (3rd)
    Jon I Arozena Albizu (3rd)
    Jon Txopeitia Uriarte (3rd)
    Jon Gómez Mondragón (3rd)
    José J Huizi Egileor(3rd)
    José I Aduriz Azkuna (3rd)
    José J Imaz Eizagirre (3rd)
    José F Rodiño Rodiño (3rd)
    Joseba Mintegi (3rd)
    Juan C Albitro (3rd)
    Juan J Martín Aparicio (3rd)
    Julio Abrego (3rd)
    Lutxi Arregi García (3rd)
    Oskar Goñi Petrirena (3rd)
    Patxi X Rojo Tolosa (3rd)
    Ramón Telletxea (3rd)
    Sergio Dosantos Barrutia (3rd)
    Tobi Ruiz López (3rd)
    Txema Mendivil (3rd)
    Prisión Provincial de Martutene
    20014 Donostia (Gipuzkoa), State of Spain
    Carlos Faulín (3rd)
    C P de Logroño
    Apdo 217 Logroño, State of Spain
    Antonio Ribagorza (3rd)
    Enrique Martínez San Juan (3rd)
    Javier Bernal (3rd)
    José Manuel (no last name given) (3rd)
    José M Borrel Brito (3rd)
    José Cepeda (3rd)
    José A Paya Orzaes (3rd)
    Julián Martínez Romo (3rd)
    Ricardo Royo (3rd)
    C P de Yeserías
    Madrid, State of Spain
    Carlos Rubén de Diego (3rd)
    C P de Carabanchel
    Avda de los Poblados s/n
    Apdo 27007 Carabanchel (Madrid), State of Spain
    Manolo Martín (3rd)
    C P de Málaga
    Apdo 376 Málaga, State of Spain
    Francisco Sánchez Pedreño (3rd)
    Rafael Cantero Guarnido (3rd)
    Prisión provincial de Murcia
    Apdo 796
    30833 Sangonera la Verde (Murcia), State of Spain
    Víctor Alemán (3rd)
    C P Salto del Negro
    Apdo 100 Tarifa Alta
    35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, State of Spain
    José Casquero Cabreros (3rd)
    Prisión Provincial de Salamanca
    Carretera Adehuela s/n, Salamanca, State of Spain
    Alfons Guillén Arener (3rd)
    Josep A García Arnau (3rd)
    C P de Picassent
    Centro de Integración Social (CIS), Apdo 1002
    46225 Picassent (Valencia), State of Spain
    Fernando Oyaguez (3rd)
    C P Villanubla
    47071 Valladolid, State of Spain
    The following conscientious objectors have been sentenced to community work:

    Bruno Corthesy
    8 Ch Guiguer-de-Prangins
    CH-1004 Lausanne, Switzerland
    Sentenced to 450 days
    Eric Bouzigon
    c/o Del Fante
    16 Route de l'Aurore
    CH-1700 Fribourg Switzerland
    To Jul 1996
    Markus Helfenstein
    28 Av Jean Gambach
    CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
    Wieland Frei
    Knospenweg 6
    CH-2575 Tauffeien, Switzerland
    Daniel Schneeberger
    Dufourstr 16
    CH-3005 Bern, Switzerland
    To Jan 1996
    Fabien Blätter
    Jurastr 27
    CH-3013 Bern, Switzerland
    Stefan Friedli
    Schärenstr 5
    CH-3014 Bern, Switzerland
    Joachim Ehrismann
    Myrtenweg 6
    CH-3018 Bern, Switzerland
    Philipp Koenig
    Sonnenweg 14
    CH-3073 Gümligen, Switzerland
    Christian Eckert
    Brunnmattstr 2
    CH-4053 Basel, Switzerland
    Emanuel Möcklin
    Rainfussweg 7
    CH-8038 Zürich, Switzerland
    Stephen Kelly, SJ
    Susan Crane
    c/o Magdalen House
    528 25th St
    Oakland, CA 94612, USA
    Jubilee Plowshares direct disarmament with hammers of Trident nuclear missile parts, Lockheed-Martin Corp, Sunnyvale, CA, 7 August 95 -- in jail, awaiting trial for felony destruction of government property, late November 1995
    John LaForge
    Bayfield County Jail
    117 E 6th St
    Washburn, WI 54891, USA
    Nonpayment of fines for repeated trespass at Project ELF, communications trigger for Trident nuclear-armed submarines - serving 7-1/2 months, out January 1996
    Carl Kabat, OMI
    North Dakota State Penitentiary
    PO Box 5521
    Bismarck, ND 58502, USA
    Good Friday April Fool Plowshares direct disarmament of North Dakota nuclear missile silo, serving five years, beginning 1 April 1994.
    It is difficult to obtain figures for Serbia and Montenegro, but last year 50 objectors were sentenced by the military court in Belgrade. In addition, large numbers of Albanians from Kosova refuse the military call-up. At least 7 COs are currently imprisoned in the Subotica region of Vojvodina. Because they risk further harassment from the authorities, they do not want their names published. Cards of support, however, can be sent to:

    Zitzer Spiritual Republic


    From: [email protected] in gn:wri.news */ by War Resisters' International, November 15, 1995.
    Prisoners for Peace Day is 1 December 1995. This is the Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll as compiled by War Resisters' International


    As I was only 1/8 of the way through the page, reading names off of jws who were IMPRISONED (perhaps some of these people still are, not to mention new names) for various "reasons", I had a surge of that capped rage I have been able to master lately. I felt it actually rush thru my body everywhere. Nausea followed.


    The winnewr of the most COVETED AWARD...


    This award has NEVER been "endowed" (bwahhhhhhhhh) before in the history of the World or the Universe for that Matter. This Truly is a New Day in the Neighborhood.


    So, you tell me folks...what does "LIST" have to do with what has been discovered and uncovered re: the UNITED NATIONS? Tell me why these named people are/were will be imprisoned? Iwant to fully understand why these people are where they are.

    Appreciatively, sKally

  • dungbeetle

    this is the third time I've posted this info...


    Greece’s mandatory military service laws are being tightened up.
    The government is introducing a host of legal changes that will make it harder for young men to delay their military service.
    Defence minister Gerasimos Arsenis’s idea is to get young Greeks into the military at the age of 19, and in some cases, at the age of 18.
    To encourage people to get their obligatory military service out of the way early, the government says it will also offer incentives - though it hasn’t specified yet what those incentives will be. The carrot most likely to be used is a reduction in service time for those who join up as soon as they turn 19, and forego their right to put it off - as in the case of young men attending university.
    The right to deferment of military service is going to be restricted too, to the length of time needed for university studies plus one year.
    Once they’re in the army, young recruits are going to find it harder to get off base. The government’s bill calls for drastic cuts in furlough.
    The government is going to make things easier for those with extra burdens. People with heavy family responsibilities will serve shorter terms, if the bill becomes law. People with three children will not have to serve at all. Men who are poor will get to serve shorter terms.
    There’s something in the bill for concientious objectors too. They’ll be allowed to serve in areas that do not require them to bear arms. Arsenis says that to qualify for that, a recruitment age youth will have to convince a special committee that he has a serious personal objection to bearing arms.
    Conscientious objectors will have to serve longer than other recruits. Someone who would have to serve 18 months normally, will do 27 months as a conscientious objector.
    The bill also aims to put the past in order. 9,040 men born between 1947 and 1966 who have avoided their military service, will be called on to serve a portion of their terms, and buy the remainder off at a price of 700 dollars a month.
    As for the 8,500 men born after 1966 who should’ve done their military service by now but haven’t,
    Arsenis says they can see their recruitment officer about doing a full term of service, without fear of punishment, as long as the join up by 1998, and in some cases, by the year 2000.
    Arsenis says that for the time being, the government is not thinking about increasing the length of the mandatory term of service.


    In June Parliament adopted Law 2510/97 on conscription, which includes a provision for alternative civilian service. The law states that conscientious objector status and alternative civilian service or unarmed military service are available to conscripts declaring themselves opposed to the personal use of arms for fundamental reasons of conscience based on religious, philosophical, ideological or moral convictions. However, the length of the alternative civilian service remains punitive, being 18 months longer than military service. The provisions for alternative service can be suspended by a decision of the Ministry of Defence in case of war and conscientious objectors performing alternative civilian service will be incorporated into the compulsory unarmed military service. The law does not recognize the right to develop conscientious objection during military service. Conscientious objectors who carry out trade union activities or participate in a strike during the period of alternative service will have their right to alternative civilian service or unarmed military service revoked and have to serve the remaining part of their service in the army. As the provisions relating to civilian service were not due to come into force until January 1998, conscientious objectors who refused to perform military service in the meantime still faced prison sentences of up to four years. During the year about 250 Jehovah's Witnesses were serving prison sentences for exercising their right to conscientious objection on religious grounds.

    Great minds must think alike....I've been working on this issue for weeks now which is why you haven't seen me much on the UN threads.

    Ideas anyone? Why ARE JW's in prison when there IS alternative service and the Watchtower stated in its leterature JW's can serve alternative service if they'd like?

    Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...

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