Response to Reply

by TRUTH 7 Replies latest jw friends


    To those you replied to my earlier post -Thank you for your kind support. I am looking over some of the other posts that people leave on various topics, and it seems like a bad dream all over again. I can not believe some of the anger, harshness and hatred that lies in the replies that some of the active Witnesses make to people's posted messages. Again, I ask why? What is there to be so angry about, people speaking their mind? So what if you do not believe them or agree with them? Maybe they are disfellowshipped, or disassociated, but does that mean then that they are less of people still in your eyes?

    What about the greatest "commandment"? To Love God with you whole heart, whole soul, ect., and to love your neighbor as your self. I had forgotten what kind of venom can be unleashed, on behalf defending what each believes in. I feel it again in the replies left to others, and for what? There is no point in it. People have enough pain and suffering, where is the compassion? Was this how Jesus responded? Is this the real message? It makes my heart deeply grieve for the lack of true kindness and tender compassion. You would think that you would be really concerned for their soul, since what you believe is that they are going to die, and be compassionate towards those. But nothing seems to have changed, same old spirit. How do you justfy your hatred, and bitter replies? No, I am not refering to everyone, but everyone knows what I am talking about.

    I have been out of all of this for awhile, as today was my first day to post and really look at things and go back into all of this- and I had forgotten. It is hatred that some carry.

    Those of you who feel so strongly about those you may consider "apostate", "disfellowshipped" or "disassociated" I know what you are taught to believe- but look in your hearts, my message and plea is :Open your heart and have compassion and mercy for everyone. Open your eyes. God loves everyone. Love is what you are judged by.......................

  • sf

    There is something "funny" about "you". Can't quite figure it out. Perhaps "in due time", perhaps.

    sKally, can spot 'em a mile away klass (HI NORM!! Yahooooooooo)


    You know, I was just speaking from my heart, and do not need any more analyzation, or judgement, as I had my fill of it throughout the years. I am not wanting to get back into all of this, so thank you for your reply, but I do not wish to go through this anymore. I feel like I am back in the middle of all of this. I do not like it, so I will take responsibility for my actions of saying what I said. It was meant with an honest heart. To me, there is nothing "funny" about that. 26 years was enough of all of this. I came here because it looked like a safe place to talk after all of this time to people who would understand. I bid you to go in peace.

  • sf

    Try not to sweat it. The chances that anyone else thinks or feel the way I do, are null here. My response to your post is/was my opinion, and I'm sticking to it, for now. Please do not let it "drive you"; I don't have that kind of power. Carry on...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi TRUTH,

    Here's what I think is going on -

    If you have a discussion with someone about something like baking bread or adjusting a car's ignition timing, two people can disagree and debate without becoming (too) emotional because the ideas can be tested against REALITY.

    Metaphysical propositions can't be tested against REALITY.

    To make matters worse, some metaphysical propositions deny observable objective reality. People stuck in these belief systems have no concrete proof for their beliefs, which are based soley upon emotion, not reason, and so they respond emotionally to anyone who doesn't accept their tripe.

    For the record, 20+ years in the WTS taught me to be an atheist. Does it show?

  • Ranchette

    I posted a reply that I got from an active JW about my UN letter so it could be one of the responses you are refering to ,I don't know,anyway she is the one that called me "a little speck in Saten's organization".

    I just wanted to point out that this was a letter I got in the mail and she said those hateful things even though I'm not disfellowshipped or disassociated so I understand what you mean about some of this being disturbing.Many of us bring experiences to this board and they as you know from your own story aren't always pretty.

    I must warn you you will see everything on this board.
    You will laugh,cry,scream,get angry,feel peace and happiness too.Every emotion imaginable!

    You will also see all kinds of people here.We have all delt with leaving the Org in different ways.You will find friends here.

    Some are born again Christian,then there's the athiest,agnostics,pagans,non religious and also some flat out NUT jobs that are irritating and entertaining!

    I hope you enjoy it here.I do.


    SF-Thanks for the response back. It is all just old, you know? I don't even want to be reminded of it all. I know that you don't have that kind of power. Just your response caught me off guard, as I guess you must have misunderstood where I am coming from. I was sincere in my words. Again go in peace. Have a nice evening.

  • sf

    " I guess you must have misunderstood where I am coming from."

    With respect to you and to my own opinion, you guessed wrong.

    Like I said, it's just me! Don't sweat Me.

    By the way, do you, uh, yahoo?


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