GREAT RollerNews!

by RollerDave 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    Hey everybody!

    Today I found out my credit card info had been stolen and thousands of dollars had been fraudulently charged, isn't that GREAT!

    I am thrilled beyond measure, it's as if a great big weight has been lifted off my heart.

    Am I wigging you out a little? Looking for sarcasm? Well there isn't any, and no punch line either; unless it's that I'm 'pleased as punch!'

    See, I had a bit of a home invasion which I repelled, then have observed people observing my home and had a number of theories regarding who The Watcher was and what her purpose was in Watching.

    Some theories revolved around certain family members who shall remain 'tofu' and 'DF', and their evil keeper HH who despises me greatly. If THEY were behind it, I could expect unreasonable excess and true devotion to my downfall, not pretty.

    Other theories speculated that perhaps false reports had been made about me by HH or some other nutjob and the real reason the cops would do nothing was that The Watcher was one of THEM. I was beginning to smell the stench of midnight 'no knock' warrants and getting offed by cops who barge in to take you into custody at 3AM then shoot you for defending your home from flashlight wielding strangers.

    What I had never considered was that we had a run-of-the-mill mail thief trying to swipe our credit info! Cops who are gathering info for a warrant don't steal your statement or run up thousands on your card, so it's NOT COPS!

    You know what THIS means don'tcha kiddies? It means when they come in here again, ol' uncle roller can perforate 'em right between their beady little eyes and put em down for a nice ever-after dirt nap without worrying that he's throwing lead at John Law.

    As for my credit, it was a zero-liability card and it's been addressed. We put a fraud-alert on all three credit bureaus and have that well in hand.

    I am just tickled to have SOME idea what is behind all this!

    Oh, not to mention that green-light to ventilate goblins.

    So now I re-task my cameras to include my mailbox. Once I catch The Watcher actually doing something illegal, hopefully the cops will be interested in the OTHER pics of her that show her vehicle and license plate!

    We can only hope they can take a break from their busy donut-scarfing to take a report.

    It would be the first time they have been any use to me, how refreshing!

    Roller (of the 'heavily-armed' sheep class)

  • WingCommander

    I feel your pain RD!

    I myself have many tools to deal with home invaders. One of them, is this stainless Beretta 96 (.40 S&W). I use Federal Hydrashock hollowpoints for maximum stopping power. That's a stainless ported match target barrel, LTT hammer, hex head screws and rosewood grooved finger grips.

    Like your truck, "ain't it pretty?" :)


    Wing Commander

  • bluesbreaker59

    Dave I gotta say this is now past the point of ridiculous. If these people are sitting at the end of your driveway everyday, like you describe, why don't you call up some of your friends and tell them to come up behind this vehile block them in, and then "talk" to them. Frankly, if I lived closer to you, I'd volunteer, myself and my best friend's "services". We weigh about a combined 550 lbs, big burly farm kids, and neither of us, are exactly "flabby", we've been used to scare off more people than I care to mention. Of course, it also helps that my best friend is a raving psychotic lunatic, heavily armed, and street fighter extraordinaire, NO ONE messes with with the two of us together.

  • Hortensia

    you guys are scary - although I see the point of wanting to be able to defend yourself. But going up to a car parked on the street to intimidate someone - you could easily wind up in jail. I hope it's just testosterone speaking and you wouldn't really do that.


    Wow. Never a dull moment.

    I hope you catch them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sorry about what happened but glad it is getting taken care of. Armed and dangerous, how sexy! Hope you get the bad guy/gal.

  • RollerDave

    well, it's not as if you can set a clock by these jokers, I think they only show when they are expecting mail worth stealing.

    I like the thought of blocking 'em in, but it can only be a nice thought. If I really did that, it would put them 'in the right' in the eyes of the already paranoid and suspicious cops.

    I think video evidence showing The Watcher doing wrong without my doing anything against her will finally tip the scales and get the wheels of our supposed justice system moving.

    As for defensive tools, mine is a Beretta M96 too! Black oxide finish and box stock for carry. Less conspicuous and doesn't give an overzealous prosecutor anything to work with if I am forced to pop a goblin. If you got a lot of bells and whistles, it tempts them to say you were 'itching for a chance to use it' and make an example of you.

    I'd like one like you got, and it would rock for range fun and home defense, but I'd never carry it, for that I go black, box-stock and factory loads always.

    Roller (of the 'doesn't want to spook the herd' sheep class)

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