I am a newbie, and havent technically introduced myself yet, other than resonses to a few posts, but will do so in a post soon.
For now, I am very interested in opinions/theories based on the Nephalim, Fallen Angels, and their possible connection to the Gods of Greek Mythology. I've been doing alot of online reading on this topic again and there is so much to read it boggles the mind. Long before I had even read any theories on this, I had already surmised that Gods of Greek Mythology likely had a connection to the Nephalim or fallen angels of the bible. As well as how the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Megaliths, and the higher knowledge of mathematics and astronomy among early civilizations came to be.
This was a topic that was totally ignored when I was involved in the organization when I would ask about it, but I just find it fascinating, and wish to know more.
If this is an interest, and you do have suggestions on reputable reading material either online or offline, I would love to see it.