Please help me in understanding this. My husband's friend and neighbor is also a former JW. He was never baptized, but was raised in it. He left home when he was still in his teens, just to get away from it. He even had a brother who died at an early age (I think it was sucide). He left it because of all the bull, and there are many things that he does not agree with on the Watchtower teaching. Now he is married (for 14 years) and has 4 children with his wife, who are also living with him. His wife is not, and never has been a JW. His mother in law goes to church. And he has not spoken to his own mother in a while, which that does not bother him. He does still have dealing with all his living brothers and sister, none of them ever became JWs either. He is of Amercian Indian hertage, not sure which tribe, but he fully believes in that type of faith. Not sure what you call it. Then the other night when we were at his home, he came out of the blue and said that he feels that the JWs are the truth. Both my husband and myself, were totally blowen away, soto speak. After we got home, we were like, "Where in the world did that come from?" Now my thoughts are, if he feels that way, why did he leave it in the first place? When I made the decision to leave the Watchtower, I made sure first that my decision was correct. After all the research I did, I knew it was nothing but a big lie. And I can not be a hypocrite and live a lie. Life is tooooooooooooo short for that bull.
by Irish Rose 3 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
When I made the decision to leave the Watchtower, I made sure first that my decision was correct. After all the research I did, I knew it was nothing but a big lie.
Sounds like your neighbor missed this step.
Now he's probably jumping around based on fear, unsubstantiated hopes, etc.
Open Mind
Greetings Irish Rose,
Three words. Massive brain fart.
This is very common. A young person leaves the organization. They go out have their fun. The problem is they left solely for reasons of the flesh. They do not examine fully the religion itself. They get older and more settled. The religion though irrelevant, reminds them of their youth. This may be the only religion that they now as the truth. They come back in. They make progress. It's maddening