Hot damn! It finally happened! A church put in an ATM so the parishners can pay donate more.
by Elsewhere 1 Replies latest jw friends
Hot damn! It finally happened! A church put in an ATM so the parishners can pay donate more.
This can be humorous. If these were put in Kingdom Halls, what would be the structure?
1) You'd be photographed by the machine right off the bat for Congregational records.
2) You would be required to submit a "Log-in" time and quantity sheet at the end of every month.
3) Those given the responsibility of running the ATMs in the hall and to keep track of who's giving and who's not, wouldn't be called "Tellers", but rather "Tell-on-ers".
4) One would have to make sure all shirts are ironed and ties nice and straight before Jehovah, as they are giving from their plastic.
5) Of course you would be using your latest debit card proudly issued by the 125th corporation started by the WTS, called "The Bank of Jehovah" or TBOJcorp.