Done any excorcisims? Where is Satan and the demonized anyway?

by coaster 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • coaster

    In Jesus day, when he and the apostles were wandering around, demonized people are everywhere. People just pointed and said "he has a demon in him" and nobody even flinched. Like duh, eveyone knows that and it was normal. Or "the demon is this man is tough, we can't get em to budge, can you give us a hand? The percentage of demonized people compared to the number of Christs early followers is HUGE.

    So where are they today. Supposedly Satan and his demons have been banished to the earth since 1914, and I just don't see them or those they posess. In the ministry, I've been in some scary houses, but nothing floating around or goin bump, and only weird people, not demonized.

    Do elders try to get rid of demons in people? Any stories?


  • fedorE

    Awesome observation. Lets see, off the bat, the best i can come up with is: that since the apostles days when the 1st century congregation was forming all these kinds of things are included in the "doing away with catagory".errr ..ahhh..well no more speaking in tongues, no more secret gifts like visions in the congregation, no more anything AND ESPECIALLY NO MORE DEMONIZED PERSONS walking around town like zombies. There will be no official proof offered in this system of things. All proof is by faith alone. Dont like it ? Then die. Prophecy doesnt care that u dont understand.

    There is however another explanation. Satan has a knowledge of events as well. He knows his time is short. He is willing to play by Jehovah's prophetic playbook because he is afraid of pissing him off tooo much so he stays in mid heaven along with his angels and does as much misleading as he can without the ability to materialize like he used to have the ability to do a long time ago.

    ...Seriously tho........The wierd thing is a certain deceased Father Malachi Martin performed so many excorcisms in NY City according to an interview i heard of him on radio...and he said its rare for the catholic church to get involved but he was always involved....and especially in Manhatten...i dont know i justdont know for sure.

  • nvrgnbk

    Satan is a metaphor.


    I have Demons in my Pants!..They are ruled by the Evil Banana!..Evil Banana..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Satanus

    When i was w the pentscostals, i assisted w what they called an exorcism. It was on a woman that had been abusive and psychotic for yrs. I used to help the guy that she was abusing, and she hated my guts. After the exorcism, she was normal for a few months. She made me a meal and i spent some time there. The preacher doing the casting out didn't know where to go to from there, and made some silly requirments that she couldn't keep, like not keeping cats. Anywhoo, she later went back to the way she was. I have another story as well, but these things aren't well recieved. Btw, i don't necesarily see it as a demon problem. It could be lost spirits of dead people. Whatever the case, this was my experience.


  • Odrade

    My mom used to think that the garage could perform exorcisms... Whenever she'd buy something at a garage sale that she determined to be "demonized" she'd stick it in the garage for a few months.

    I dunno about that... even possums went in our garage with impunity, so I'm not sure why the demons would be compelled to get out. Evidently it worked though, because after a few months, it seemed the items were no longer demonized and she could bring them in the house.

  • betterdaze

    What nvr said: a metaphor.

    That's all, folks.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I often wondered where all these demonized people went to also. There seemed to be a lot of them in the 1st century. The only conclusion I could come up with is that they were really mentally ill. Some mental illnesses can cause a break with reality and appear to be demonized.

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