WEBSTER on "Jehovah's Witness"

by compound complex 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Jehovah's Witness n: a member of a group that witness by distributing literature and by personal evangelism to beliefs in the theocratic rule of God, THE SINFULNESS OF ORGANIZED RELIGIONS and governments, and AN IMMINENT MILLENIUM [emphasis added]. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1977

    While checking up on another word in the Js, I noticed the above. Nothing earthshaking here; I was simply bemused by Webster's take on what a JW is and how he [the JW] views "organized religions" other than his own ORGANIZED religion. In addition, don't we all know that the big "M" is soon. Or is it near?
    Imminent: "hanging threateningly over one's head."


  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Gotta say it took me a minute to realize you meant the dictionary! I read your thread title and immediately thought of the old t.v. show with the little kid! I just had to tell you thanks for the laugh and the automatic slap to the forehead! I guess I should've had a V8!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    That's OK, Kitten Whiskers!

    Given the hour at which I posted, it's a wonder I got anything straight myself. That is a funny mistake. Personally, I have a V6.
    Thanks again for getting me started on JWD after 2 months of confusion.


  • shopaholic
    In addition, don't we all know that the big "M" is soon. Or is it near?

    Hi CoCo, not sure if you know, but the big 'M' won't happen at least until the fall of 2009. I went to the DC this past sunday and they announced that international district conventions will be held in the summer of 2009 and that additional information will appear in the KM in the near future.

    Just as a side-thought...as a pre-teen I predicted that it would all end in 2010 based on the whole 1914 generation thing. Even though we were not suppose to, I know plenty of you that were raised in the org calculated a year to figure out how much time you had to do what you wanted before you really needed to get your act together. Wow...if I could turn back time...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome, Shopaholic, to the forum and thanx for your interesting reply! You're correct, "reading between the lines" or "connecting the dots" re: all the plans being made for future "theocratic" events. Some fairly recent threads pointed to WT news releases on DC convention plans through 2014.

    So, per your pre-teen inclination to calculate the future timing of big "M", would you say it's safe to kick up our heels a little longer?

    Thank you, once again!


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