A while back I posted about my foot problems that have plagued me for a very long time.
Someone PMed me and suggested Eryrthromelalgia
I am getting closer and closer to a real diagnosis. Not that there is any cure for it but just knowing would make this so much easier - well it would settle the big question
My new doctor is willing to investigate. Yeah!!!!
I joined a Yahoo group for those who suffer from Eryrthromelalgia. The issues they have match mine almost exactly.
REAL BONUS - one of the group members lives here in Ottawa. She has given me the name of her doctor that helps her. The literature about Eryrthromelalgia is that few doctors will ever see a case so it is hard to miss. All I need now is a referral to her doctor and we'll see what he has to say.
oh yeah The purpose of the thread
I forgot who suggested Eryrthromelalgia but
Thank you thank you thank you