I went to a Catholic wedding of a real good friend this afternoon and it was a real nice experience. My wife, who still
strictly adheres to Watchtower doctrine was going to go but she made her self sick worrying about what she was going to
do when the congregation said prayers or went up for the mass or played the pagan music. I thought to myself how pathetic
her thinking is. I felt a real closness to God as I sat there in the church. The beautiful music, the stained glass windows,
the wide open church with the high ceiling made me feel like I have never felt before. I really felt like I could worship God here.
What a difference than sitting at the Kingdom Hall with no windows, music about the end being near, and the first 20
minutes of the public talk which expounds how how terrible the world conditions are, how many rapes, murders, wars,
there are. But fear not, because the last 20 minutes of the talk will give the answer of God's Kingdom when He destroy's
99% of the earths inhabitants and the earth lay in a shambles. This really is TooBad and TooSad.