Freedom of speech, haha!

by rekless 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    A year ago I lost my wife in death...four months prior I started investigating the WTBTS, quit going to the meetings passed out a few points about the society and was DFed (thank God). There is no freedom of speech in the org.Nor any outside the org.either. I sent a letter to my daughter, I received it back as refused in capital letters.

    My feance' called up and told my daughter we would like to send my grand-daughtes some money for school clothes.Guess what,!? They accepted the money , but didn't have manners or respect to send a note of thanks or a message letting us know they received the check.

    Through my rambeling all I have to say is this when you do a good job raising JWs you will a swiff kick in the butt. Family or not they will turn on you, disown you, and kill you.

    If you want freedom of speech get out, if you have to be true unto yourself you may have to lose your family.

    At lease I have one daughter that I never could persuade to become a JW-even as a mere child she knew it was a cult, and thank God again that my two sons left the org. when I did. One was almost killed when a 1200 lb beam fell on him and it was just a week before he had said, "If I need blood because I ever get hurt earlier.My other son has just received his brown belt in "Jetsu Savate".

    My mother in law who is 87 and known me for 35 years just told me she never wanted to hear from me again. She thinks I let her daughter die, even though I gave her blood as the org. agreed on you know the "fractions" My reasoning was if you can take this fraction and that fraction why not combine all the fractions at once. I did. She had a rare blood disorder she went in the hospital on Sept. 24,2000 and died Sept. 27.2000 leaving four children.

    Well that is all I have to say about freedom of speech, I have been vilavied as becoming a Warlock, this is the rumor that the congregation is passing out.I can't dispute it because I have no freedom of speech . Cong. nor daughter will talk to me..

    I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada , if you live here email me a [email protected], I would enjoy conversation.

  • nicolaou

    Hi rekless.

    My sincere sympathy for your double loss - what can anyone say?
    A great many of us here will understand your anger and frustration even if we haven't suffered your personal tragedies.

    Many of us, myself included, live in constant fear of losing our families through the WT judicial process.
    Your account is sadly familiar in many of it's details and gives us all another reminder, as if one were needed, that the struggle to win over the minds and hearts of Jehovah's Witnesses must continue.

    The Watchtower Society can go fuck itself but we all know that many individual JW's are worth rescuing.

    Try not to be too bitter at every JW you meet - some of them certainly deserve a good arse kicking but some of them must have been friends at some point.

    Don't stop posting rekless and listen to what more experienced contributors than myself have to say - they're worth listening to!


  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, rekless.

    Your experience is so difficult that it seems surreal. So much sorrow and turmoil! I am so sorry for your pain.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Angharad

    Hi rekless

    Welcome to the board, sorry for you losses.

  • rekless

    Thanks for your responce- I have moved on but the topic of free speech just hit me. Had to get it out of my craw.
    Thanks again
    I spent 35 ywears in the org.I have to move on don't have that many more miles. You know more time behind than in front.
    I must check your site out.

  • rekless

    Hi, I wasn't trying for pity just trying to explain free speech in the org.from MHO
    thanks for the pity anyway.

  • rekless

    I have been reading post for over a year now, they all have the same senerio. Once we start to think and examine the teaching and apply critical thinking it all falls apart, doesn't it.

    I found a nice lady with a nice family who accepts me so at lease my story has a little better ending than some, God bless their souls.

    Thanks for your concern, see you around the post.

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