The folks over at have outdone themselves! Researchers have used that site for many years to obtain files of older Watchtower related documents from Russell's day (and also including later Bible Student materials). Now, they have issued a new DVD with much more material on it. There is so much info, that they put it on a DVD, not CD-ROM.
I purchased one and am amazed at all the stuff on it. Of particular interest are all the Convention Reports from 1904 onwards in their entirety. These are exceedinly rare to find and contain a wealth of historical information on the Bible Student movement in Russell's day. All the Convention Reports from 1904 to 1916 are included, plus later ones held by the Bible Students after the split with Rutherford's group. Another additional valuable feature are scans from the St Paul Enterprise, which was a Bible Student newspaper in Russell's era. And much, much more.
If you're interested in researching early Watchtower history, this is well worth obtaining.