A JW girl at work convinced this fellow to go to A JW meeting. At the end of the meeting the elder thanked all 93 people for attending. This fellow looked around and saw the most 20 people in attence. Do they fug the numbers. This meeting was held in Pawling NY. One after thought he said that most of the people looked like they were suffering from depression. Is this the norm for JW.
Meeting Numbers
by GODLOVESME 9 Replies latest jw friends
Or maybe ... the attendees were not suffering w/ depression but rather multiple personalities, so the speaker was thanking ALL of the them, the 93 were all the personalities there. That would explain it don't ya think?
the other 73 were probably in the bathroom.
When I've attended on occassion, I'd take a count of those attending. They were never as far off as your friends described. There could be a few listening in on a phone connection, but I doubt it would be 63 people. By the way, infants and children are counted as well.
One after thought he said that most of the people looked like they were suffering from depression. Is this the norm for JW.
I personally believe there are a high proportion of Witnesses suffering from depression. But how could one tell from a single meeting? Is it the stilted manner of greeting, the pasted smile? They may be more natural at home.
The attendants are instructed to count everyone, even sleeping babies. If someone is at the meeting for even a minute and then leaves, they are counted. If they show up for the last minute of the meeting, they are counted. Maybe there was a run on the back room attendees. Or were they mentioning that they are 93 publishers (people authorized to report time placing WT literature) in the congregation as a whole rather than the attendance. The best way to know is to check the attendance chart on the information board towards the back of the KH where attendance figures are usually posted.
Love your reply. Could this mean that there there are not 6mm JW, but only 2mm with three personaltys.
Could this mean that there there are not 6mm JW, but only 2mm with three personaltys.
God, three personalities??!! You'd be lucky today to meet one active JW who had even one personality!
I know they do make their best effort to count correctly. At the same time, they do work off of the memorial attendance and highest turned in time month to quote their increases and ignore the week to week operations.
Looking Glass I think thats a pretty good answer!
I get impression from my local sources and from posters on this forum that weekly average attendances at the Book Study, the Service Meeting and the Theocratic Ministry School are way down compared to earlier years. It's not unusual to see once-packed full halls now with significantly fewer in attendance.