Gospel of Judas

by wherehasmyhairgone 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wherehasmyhairgone

    I have been out of the WTC for a number of years, so i missed this comming to light throught the WTC eyes.

    What have they said about it? - sorry if this has been asked before.



  • WTWizard

    The last I heard, from the All Scripture Inspired books, these gnostic and acropylictic books that were "lost" were talked down about as spurious. They claim that Jehovah preserved the Bible in its most accurate form, with the books that do the most "good". That is a blatant lie, since these gnostic books contain further gospels of Jesus and clash with what the Watchtower Society and the early Catholic church taught.

    I am also interested in the Gospel of St Thomas in its entirity, if possible. Put that in the Bible, and pretty soon you see Jesus' real message of freedom from spurious authority coming to light.

  • DeusMauzzim

    You might be interested in checking my post&topic history - I study gnosticism at university and have posted some topics on the subject here.

    The Gospel of Judas is quite interesting to read, actually:

    Step away from the others

    and I shall tell you the mysteries

    of the kingdom. It is possible

    for you to reach it, but you

    will grieve a great deal.


    Deus Mauzzim

    (of the not-much-time-to-reply-now-class :)

  • wherehasmyhairgone

    Thankyou, for the pointer DeusMauzzim.

    I wqill read thru them.



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