I'm sorry to hear that. I guess when reading this forum, one gets ones hope up that this will open their eyes, or this will. But in reality, it's not happening (not to many anyway). Just as they are hoping Armageddon will come soon so that any doubt can be finally put to rest, people here hope that the end of the organisation will come soon. My guess is the latter will happen first (and that the former won't happen), but who knows when?
I was thinking of this yesterday; how would I have reacted to the September KM QB when I was active? I think my mind would have reacted as follows:
1) "Wow - we must be really close to the end now! Satan is really trying to break the org. apart from within."
2) "Are people really that stupid, as to use worldly literature in their studies, when we have so many good books from the FDS??"
3) "People actually have time to study in groups outside of the meetings and bookstudies and field service and preparing for meetings and making talks etc.?? And to write books!?"
4) "Are people really stupid enough to believe what they read on the internet when it comes to the Bible and God? We all know there are tons of apostates and athesists out there, and that Satan and his demons are influencing things!"
So.... sorry to say, for a lot of them, it's going to take a lot before they are bothered by things like this.
And even if they are slightly bothered, and kinda start to doubt a little, they will think "OK, so perhaps the org. isn't perfect - it's run by imperfect human beings after all - it's still Jehovah's org. in these end times. And besides, where would I go if I left!? And what would be the consequences?"