Look at his theory concerning Jesus as a Sun-God in 1896.
Not sure if the publication expresses it accurately, but Christ is called the "bright morning star" in Revelation and in Biblical allegory, the moon represents Christ's bride, the church, and he does represent the sun that gives light to the moon. The sun and moon are considered as husband and wife. So in that way, Christ could be considered as represented in our solar system as the Sun.
But it goes further than that. Christ is born near the time of the Festival of Booths. His minestry of 3.5 years ends at Passover time, where another week-long festival is held. Likewise, the 8th day of the Festival of Booths is celebrated just as the 8th day of life of a male child is the day he is circumcised. Related? Of course! That suggests that Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day of the Festival of Booths to fulfil that! In that case, we can determine precisely when he was born since we know the year he was born (2 BCE) and we can use astronomical programs to determine when the 8th day of the moon for the 7th month occurred. But having noted that, it occurs very close to the fall equinox, which is nine months from the winter solstice, the clear reference to the "birth of the sun"; when the sun reverses its decline and starts to return so that the days start to become longer.
Even the WTS in it's 6th Volume of "Studies in the Scriptures" clearly points out a key event date was December 25th, which is the "Annunciation" date. The actual event of holy spirit coming upon Mary to impregnate her with Jesus Christ. So that's a second reference in line with the planets and seasons that relates to Jesus being the original "sun god". Having noted that, detail, though, it becomes more apparent that this is the inference since Christ reappears in the flesh at precisely the same time for the second coming (i.e. December 24-26, 1992). So there is a cosmological harmony and pattern being coordinated with Christ in his role as the sun or sun-god.
As one more truly esoteric little detail. The time God came to visit mankind was in the afternoon as God did with Adam. The sign of the son of man appeared in the afternoon. Thus after the fact that Christ is represented by the sun itself, his actual appearance is in the fall. I would consider this the time of the waning sun. Thus Jesus Christ in specific reference to the sun has a connection with the waning sun. It is possible there is some special significance to that.
I wonder about that in non-Jewish representations of Yahweh worship. Particularly, Yahweh as depicted as "Aten" by Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). It wasn't actually the sun that was Aten but the ways of the sun or the effect of God acting through the sun. But the Egyptians divided the concept of the sun into various stages, I believe three, the rising sun, the risen sun and the declining sun. They called the sun at high noon some form of "Ra", but the afternoon son was specifically called "Aten". Might be an incredible coincidence, but if Akhenaten truly was inspired by Jehovah, which appearently he was, then maybe the concept of the sun in relation to that worship was appropirately represented as the afternoon son, more in relation to Christ's role in relation to man. Just as God provides Christ to bring light, so he is the sun, with God working through the sun or appearing at the time the sun is waning, in the afternoon. So is that esoteric connection. The Bible records that immediately after the Ten Plagues Egypt would become a worshipper of Yahweh (Isa. 19).
So much for the sun-god and Jesus.