Was just curious as to what requirements a witness need to posses in order to conduct/give a Bible study...Are only those of a certain standing within the cong eligible?, do they have to be of a certain age etc..Also, what does a first study entail and what could a person expect to hear..must be pretty well thought out and convincing in order to maintain a persons interest long enough to agree on a second visit/study.
Bible study
by luffy 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
drew sagan
I you at least have to be an 'unbaptized publisher' to study with somebody, but I think that actually may be pushing it. I would suppose that if an unbaptized publisher did have a Bible study he would be asked to hand it over to a baptized JW.
So my guess is that stuides with interested ones really would only be conducted by dedicated, baptized JWs.
BTW, I rather call them 'book studies' than 'bible studies', I think that is a much better way to describe them. -
As far as I can recall any baptised JW in good standing can carry out Bible studies. Age makes no difference as such though it would be in practice unbecoming to have youngsters giving studies to much older people. And of course the dubs being Victorian don't like the idea of studies between members of the opposite sex while alone.
Age makes no difference as such though it would be in practice unbecoming to have youngsters giving studies to much older people.
Well no one told me this when I was 7 studying with my neighbour lady who probably was in her 50's...I think she enjoyed me reading to her from my Book of Bible Stories LOL. More like tolerated!
I believe that any publisher is capable of starting those
bookBible studies. Unbaptized publishers usually work with the person that trained them, until they get comfortable working with others. That is one reason why they work in pairs--so that the more experienced one candragguide the less experienced one through the process.I also don't think being in good standing is a requirement. Anyone who qualifies to turn in a service report is allowed to start and conduct a
bookBible study, though weaker and less experienced ones usually have someone there to supervise them. -
* You have to believe the WTS crap.
* Able to read the questions.
* Able to show up on time and sober.
* Not cuss or intimate that the householder is a tool of the devil.
* Not laugh too often at the faces the householder makes when they are told to swallow the crap the book is spewing.
* Not use physical force when the householder debates, rebukes, and argues about the crap they're being taught.
The last 2 points are the most important!
This may shed some
lightdarkness on the matter...*** km 8/05 p. 1 Part 12—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies ***
Part 12—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies
Helping Students Start and Conduct Bible Studies
When our Bible students begin sharing in the field ministry, they may be intimidated by the thought of starting and conducting their own Bible studies. How can we help them develop a positive attitude toward this essential part of our ministry?—Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20.2
Once a Bible student qualifies to be an unbaptized publisher, he is likely already taking full advantage of the Theocratic Ministry School. The training he receives in preparing and presenting student assignments will help him to develop the teaching skills that are needed by "a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright."—2 Tim. 2:15.3
Teach by Your Example: Jesus trained his disciples by giving clear instruction and setting a fine example. He said: "Everyone that is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher." (Luke 6:40) Your imitating Jesus by setting a proper example in your own ministry is vital. As your student observes your lead in the ministry, he will appreciate that the objective in making return visits is to start Bible studies.4
Explain that when we offer a study, it is not generally necessary to describe the study arrangement in detail. Often it is best simply to demonstrate the study by using one or perhaps two paragraphs from a study publication. Helpful suggestions for doing this can be found on page 8 of this issue and on page 6 of the January 2002 OurKingdomMinistry.5
When appropriate, invite the student to accompany you or another experienced publisher on other Bible studies. He might share in commenting on a paragraph or a key scripture. Thus, by observation, the student will learn much about conducting progressive Bible studies. (Prov. 27:17; 2 Tim. 2:2) Give him commendation, and discuss how he can improve.6
Training new publishers to be teachers of God’s Word will equip them for the "good work" of starting and conducting studies of their own. (2 Tim. 3:17) How satisfying it is to work side by side with them in extending the loving invitation: "Let anyone that wishes take life’s water free"!—Rev. 22:17. -
AK - Jeff
And of course the dubs being Victorian don't like the idea of studies between members of the opposite sex while alone.
I once had a 'service overseer' yank a student from under my tutelage and give her like property to his wife.
I sincerely hope that soul is now on this board, rather than sitting in the detention camps of the Jehovahvists.
km 5/76 p. 7 Do You Really Want a Bible Study? ***
Do You Really Want a Bible Study?
Many more Bible study teachers are needed to teach those who may yet become disciples of Christ in the time remaining. This work is important, in view of what Jesus commanded.—Matt. 28:19, 20.2
Some of us may, for various reasons, feel inadequate to share in Bible study work. But even if you are new in the truth and relatively inexperienced in field service, a sincere desire will move you to reach out and help people. One young man, himself still studying, happily shared what he was learning. An elderly woman was so interested in what he told her while he was working in her home that he started a Bible study with her. Imagine his joy to witness her baptism, just a few months after his own!3
Can you younger ones share in Bible study work? Yes. Many of school age are now conducting studies with schoolmates, often doing so during a school lunch hour or free period.4
Are you a family head with many responsibilities? Some have started studies with fellow employees, conducting them during a lunch or coffee break. Or are you a busy housewife with smaller children? A number have been successful in cultivating the interest of a neighbor, often by talking over a cup of coffee or at the clothesline, thus leading to a Bible study.5
If you wish assistance, why not ask your book study conductor or the Bible study overseer. When the circuit overseer and his wife visit your congregation, they also will be glad to aid you in Bible study work.6
Jesus commissioned his followers to do more than just preach. He urged them to make disciples. Are we doing that? Do we sincerely desire to do so? It is good to ask ourselves, "Do I really want a Bible study?" Jehovah has provided much to aid us in fulfilling this lifesaving commission. -
*** km 9/88 p. 2 Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples ***
15 min: Youths—Could You Conduct a Study? To be handled by an elder. Inform congregation how many publishers under 20 years of age there are in congregation and how many of these are conducting studies. Consider room for improvement. Teenagers may be able to start studies with classmates, using Creation book or Youth book. May assign exemplary youths to relate experiences. Select just a few that seem most appropriate. (See yb88 p. 53 pars. 1-3; w84 4/1 p. 30 par 4; yb71 p. 150 par. 1.) Younger ones may be able to start studies with other youngsters in either BibleStories or GreatTeacher books. (See yb75 p. 13 par. 4; km 8/73 p. 4 par. 6; yb70 p. 93 par. 2.) Youths can try to start studies with people they contact in service. (See w82 1/1 p. 24 par. 7; yb71 p. 264 par. 2.) If local experiences are available, use these to illustrate points.
Some quotes imply being a "publisher" ("publisher"... not "Christian") is necessary, whilst those above imply that anyone can start one !