more made up experiences forwarded to me

by DIM 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • DIM

    Here is another report from G-Zero for our brothers subscribed to Our JW
    > Newsgroup.
    > From Brother Dunne's Newsletter, we at bethel read the following:
    > It truly is amazing how Jehovah's spirit is directing our efforts in the
    > ministry. At a time when we thought the apathy we face in the ministry
    > could
    > get no worse, we are now receiving an abundance of favorable responses in
    > the ministry here in NYC.
    > The most amazing response was received on September 18, 2001, just one
    > after the WTC incident. An elder from one of the Brooklyn congregations,
    > Brother Gargolaz, and his wife, lives 12 blocks from Ground Zero. Brother
    > Gargolaz and his wife started witnessing early on 9/18 working their way
    > closer toward Ground Zero. This faithful brother and sister found that
    > comfort and a hope for the future was what everyone was looking for.
    > Now a crowd of policemen and firefighters began to gather around
    > They could not understand why there were so many smiles being created. Now

    > on this day, President Bush was to visit the World Trade Center wreckage.
    > While viewing the heinous consequences of the attacks, George Bush noticed

    > the group of people that had gathered and also wanted to know why and how
    > so
    > many people could have smiles on their faces at a time like this. For
    > security reasons, the Secret Service was sent to investigate.
    > The SS responded to the President that there were comforters giving
    > to all of those affected by the incident. The president found it odd that
    > the comfort was coming to the people instead of the people looking for the

    > comfort. What a great idea he said. I would like to meet these comforters.

    > After searching the Brother and his wife for weapons, they were escorted
    > the president where he commended them for their efforts, and asked them
    > what
    > their message of hope was. That is when Brother Gargolaz could do no more
    > than pull out the book "Knowledge that leads to Everlasting Life". The
    > president gladly accepted the book and promised that he would begin
    > it on his flight back to the capital.
    > Let us never give up in our ministry due to the apathy of the world. This
    > experience goes to show that changing circumstances in one's life really
    > can
    > change the attitudes we face in the ministry. Remember, Brother Gargolaz
    > watered, but it is Jehovah who will make it grow.
    > With all our love, Bethel Family

  • LDH

    BWAHAHAHA. Yeah RIGHT. I wonder about all the super-tight security in place? GW didn't make one step out of line and he sure as hell wasn't interested in meeting any comforters, I'll bet.

    Which is a good thing. He would have found them to be like Job's *friends.* They act like they're bringing comfort, but really, they're just waiting for the rest of the world to die off.


  • FormerOne

    Oh yeah, those fire fighters and police officers would rather listen to a couple of old people babbling than go check out the president of the US? I don't think so!

  • Bangalore

    So many bogus experiences in Watchtower Land.


  • aposta-Z

    W. Bush? Reading a book? lol.


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