a message for our witness relatives...

by elliej 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • elliej

    On the off chance one of them is perusing this board looking for ammunition, I want them to get this message loud and clear:

    You did more damage to your cause with your disgusting behavior this last weekend than we ever could have hoped to do. Your unparalleled hipocrisy was noticed by all. Your hopes of recruiting anyone in your family are over. Do you get that? Your cult has been exposed and you are ones who helped us expose it. You are pitied and your behavior despised by everyone. You are wrong. Thank you for your help in showing everyone in our family what a disgusting and despicable organization it is that has control over you. We appreciate it.

  • ex-nj-jw
  • brunnhilde

    Sounds like not such a fun weekend

  • Gopher

    Our witness relatives are blinded by the hatred dictated by their spiritual masters.

    My parents came 1,500 miles to see my recently injured grandmother, and then zoomed across the state to a district convention. Would they bother to drive an extra 80 miles to come see their own children? Not a chance. They can only see us as "disassciated or disfellowshipped JW's" instead of thinking of us as family. They have their so-called family in the organization, let them have it. They deserve it.

    My relatives (whom I recently spoke with at a family reunion) are disgusted and disappointed with their behavior. My parents' conduct has done more to turn those relatives against JW's than I could ever have done.

  • brunnhilde

    I'm so sorry to hear that, Gopher. Ironically, since I've faded my brainwashed parents have actually begun spending time with my DA'd brother. While I was in and still in rabid Dub mode I would have reported them to the elders for that, but now that I'm spending lots of time with my brother (and thoroughly enjoying getting to know him again), she knows its safe to associate with him without worrying about that. What I find difficult to stomach is that the entire time he's been DA'd, they would not eat with him, but they were always more than happy to accept his money (and he was exceedingly generous, putting my dad on salary while he pioneered, sending them on a cruise to Alaska and slipping them money whenever times were tight). I may have been a cold-hearted bitch, but at least I didn't try to have it both ways. Petty, I know *sigh*


  • Mum

    It's painful, but a fact of life for those with family members in a cult. Yes, JW's themselves are the best at showing forth the "fruitage" of association with the "'happiest' people on earth."




    Actions speak louder than words.

    My mission is to get as many people out of that cult that I can.

    Anything I can do to help others not get sucked into that cult to begin with I will gladly do.

    I need all the help I can get. Can you send your helpful relatives over to me?

    Amazing what they will do all the while patting themselves on the back telling

    themselves what a great witness they are giving.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    This is one of those great iroines. JW's showing off how wonderful they think they are, in various ways, thinking they are impressing everyone with a "good witness". Meanwhile, everyone else is thinking, "What a F'ing looney, or why don't they get a real job, or did they ever read a science book, or how is ignoring your family supposed to make them like you?" Gotta love it.

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