The Beauty of Dogs

by restrangled 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I was always a cat lover, but after adopting my 2 big Dobies, I am in awe.

    There is a west wind coming in tonight after a miserably hot day.

    My 2 boyz in the dark have their noses to that wind. They announced my son coming home before he arrived. He came out and greeted them and returned back inside the house. I thought he was home for the evening.

    A few minutes later they barked at someone in the driveway....not to be heard, and sure enough it was my son leaving.

    I have come to adore these do you feel about yours?

  • looking_glass

    I love dogs, grew up w/ them. However, I love big dogs because I grew up w/ ankle biters who were very yappy! I am not home enough for a dog and live in the concrete jungle, so I have 2 cats instead. I never thought I would have one cat, so to have 2 has been a big shock to a lot of people. But I LOVE them totally. The crazies that they are. At the end of the day when they snuggle up in bed w/ me and the purr and lay up against me. That puts a different spin to my crazy busy, argumentative, spin out of control life. They are my babies and I would have it no other way.

  • Tara

    I will always be a cat lover at heart, but my little Maltese is the best. I adopted him 3 years ago. He follows me everywhere and loves me so much. Nothing beats a welcome home from a dog, even if you're only gone for 5 minutes. I can't imagine life without him.

    Talk about unconditional love...

  • restrangled

    looking glass...totally understand cat love, infact I have a big fat cat sitting on my desk right now while I fight for space to use the mouse against her.

    On the other hand, I have a 110 pound Doberman, who has just dropped a bone in my lap and is now laying across my feet waiting to go to bed....Not his own, but with me. Argggg. He's making very large and noisy yawns, letting me know he is tired. So I guess I will take the hint.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Restrangled, if you haven't seen this already I think you're gonna like it. Crazy chihuahua takes on a doberman.

    I've never had a dog. Always had to wait "for the new system". :- (

    Open Mind

  • restrangled

    open mind, this guy has about 10 video's on you tube between his Dobie and Chihuahua. I have watched them all. They are so funny.

    There is another one called Doberman sliding that is outrageous.


  • freeme

    when i was a kid i was totally scared of dogs. when i was like 4 i was attacked by a dog and that was the reason.

    with ~16/17 my fear began to decrease and now im owning dogs myself :-) i love them. never want to live without dogs again.

    BUT... i understand ppl who fear dogs too and i watch my dogs not jump at other ppl or stuff (they love everyone i speak to). even though they dont even bark and are the most pazifistic beings on this planet...

  • ex-nj-jw

    I have a black lab, he's 9 years old and i love him. He's such a baby.

    The other night, hubby and I were sitting on the sofa and I guess we were too close for him. He did everything he could to get between us and be petted! Worse than my kids

    When I got up this morning he had put his tennis ball in my purse, last night he wanted to play but I was tired and scolded him, he sulked off and I guess that's when he put it in my purse he's too funny.


  • darth fader
    darth fader

    Growing up in the borg I was always afraid of dogs. Funny thing going in service and all the stories of big, vicious dogs. Don't want to go that house- they have a big dog. Good thing you didn't take that door- a huge dog. Or- you don't really want a pet in this system of things, how will you get it through Armageddon? Another great way to scare kids into submission. No wonder I was scared of them. Now that I have my own dog, a Golden Retriever (best dogs ever!) I realize most dogs were totally harmless. The barking was their way of talking, saying "You're in my yard, play or get out!". Dog or cats, it doesn't matter. A loyal friend to the end which is more than I can say for all the old "friends" from the Hall!

  • Jim_TX

    I pretty much grew up with my mom and siblings - and cats. No dogs.

    It wasn't till I left home that I got a dog - a small brown dog that I got as a puppy (someone had dumped him). I named him Weasel. He was the smartest dog I ever knew.

    When I got married and moved into our new home, my then-wife brought home a white dog that her sister and hubby were terrorizing. This dog relaxed after a week or so, and 'bonded' with my daughter who was around 3 or 4 at the time. My daughter grew up with that dog. We used to play 'go find Kathleen!' - where we would hold and pet the dog while our daughter would find a hiding place in the yard. We would then let the dog go, and she would try to find her friend - our daughter. She was pretty good at it, too. If she didn't find her on the first lap of the house, she would put her nose to the ground and 'track' her. Smart dog. She usually found our daughter after a minute or so.

    Anyway - one lesson I learned from sharing space with cats and dogs. They love you no matter what. They do not ask what religion you are. All they ask in return is love... and food.


    Jim TX

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