Who Really is the Evil Slave of Matthew 24:45-47?

by Honesty 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    Jehovah Witnesses once taught, promoted, and identified CharlesT. Russell as being the Faithful Slave of Matthew 24:45-47.

    The Watch Tower (10/16/1916) Page 56

    "Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation."
    The Watch Tower (3/1/1917) Page 6049 - Written After Russell's Death "The Watch Tower unhesitatingly proclaims brother Russell as "that faithful and wise servant"
    The Watch Tower (11/1/1917) Page 6159 - Written After Russell's Death

    "The Scriptures indicate that Russell was chosen of the Lord from his birth. The two most popular messengers were Paul and Pastor Russell.
    Russell is the "servant" of Matthew 24:45-47."

    The Watch Tower (3/1/1922) Page 74 - Written After Russell's Death

    "Fulfilled prophecy - or physical facts - and the circumstantial evidence are conclusive proof that Russell filled the office of that "Faithful and Wise Servant."

    JW's can run from the questions, but they cannot run from their history. If Russell was identified as the Good Slave, who then is the Evil Slave could it be the ones who changed his writings with NEW LIGHT and beat those that didn't follow along ..........

  • freeme

    i cant help me, but for it seems like the evil slave include some society who add to the scriptures, give false prophecies, want complete obediance, forbid the examination of the bible and create human laws and twisted doctrines to beat and even kill (blood) their "fellow slaves".

    just a guess.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Great topic!

    The Watchtower really hangs itself when it comes to this teaching.

    Many of the things the 'evil slave' is accused of doing in 1918/1919 are the same exact things Watchtower leadership was doing at the time!

    The WTS alters history to make it look like there where those who wanted to stick with Russellism and those who wanted to move into brighter light with Rutherford. It makes a great story for the foundation of their religion and a separation between 'good' and 'evil' slave, but it is based nowhere in reality.

    The truth is that in 1919 the IBSA was basically filled with a bunch of people all fighting for power and full control of the org. Everybody basically was 'worshiping' Russell as gods faithful steward, but they where not in total agreement and there was a fight for the power.

    There was no difference between what the WTS calls the 'evil slave' and the 'faithful slave' in 1919. One side won the power to control the Society and the others did not.

    This is why none of Russells teachings where really abandoned until 8-10 years later, it was only then when Russellism started to be abandoned.

    The Revelation book is great for saying things about how the 'faithful anointed ones' refused to be like the evil slave and keep following Russell. What a load of BS.

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