Recent experience

by fedorE 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fedorE

    I have a good friend female friend who happens to be gay. We met at work a long time ago in another city and stay in touch. Anyways recently in Toronto there was a dyk march and my friend came down and kept begging me to come hang with her so i did even though it made me feel out of place. But while i was there i suddently remembered i know someone who was gay from my childhood and i kept wondering if he was around here somewhere..So i contacted him, ill call him "John", through facebook. He was totally shocked that i contacted him and was afraid i would spill the beans to his family on his whereabouts. He is almost 50 yrs old now and has kept almost no contact with his family since age 21 or so. He made a total break from the cult and never looked back. What he told me, when he was comfortable with the confidentiality issue, was that his father regularly beat him in front of his family and no one said anything. He got beaten so much from his father that he would stay at home and not go to school or out of the house because of the welts and the embarrasment to the family name. He also beat his mom and no one said anything.One day he told his family he wasnt sure what path he was going to take because he felt gay and his father broke 2 ribs. Well John called the police and they took the father to the station, but he didnt even end up getting charged! The father forced him to go to the meetings against Johns will and also a judicial committee was set up to deal wit him. He went to this meeting and the elders started asking him questions about his morals.... He got quite upset and stood up and screamed at them that he didnt have to answer any questions One elder grabbed him by the arm to force him to sit down but he pushed him out of the way showing no respect for their supposed authority.He told them the meeting was over and he was leaving. But the elders said were not goin to let you use our phone how are u going to get a ride? He said ill just use the phone at the gas station (included is a lot of cursing)......When he got home he packed up his clothes and went ot live with a friend. He never looked back. He confided in me that before he got dfd he actually slept with a few sons of the elders!!! And stated it was easier than i would believe. ...His father now has Alzheimers and was put in an old age home. His one brother lives out of country and other siblings are not close. His mother lives alone. I told him about his mom and he is considering visiting her. John himself became very successful with no help from his family. Im glad im his friend today!

  • changeling

    I happy that your friend was able to overcome such a terible childhood. Not everyone is that lucky.


  • fedorE

    This is actually a very condensed version of events.Things have gone on great in his personal life but his"family past" is tragic.

  • poppers

    Wow, what a story. Will you be keeping in touch with him?

  • fedorE

    For sure

  • ex-nj-jw

    Sometimes friends are more family than your biological family is. If you truely have a good friend hold onto them they are precious and few!


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