I just wanted to share KM With You

by Sarah Smiles 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Last week, a JW friend of mine brought over a September K.M. He wanted to read what was the topic from the K.M. that I was wondering about. Late in the week, when he went to the meeting he was able to talk with an elder. Also the elder wanted to say something about his reading.

    The elder suggested that he read from a new NWT bible because his was out dated (1960) and a scripture was worded different from the newer version.

    The JW friend asked, "Why the Faithful and Descreet Slave did not want people to study together?"

    The elder stated that the K.M. was going to be talked about later and it had nothing to do with getting together and studying the bible, reading WT, or researching in publications. That he needed to wait until September.

    I bet that elder took my friends X to righteousness right off his forehead and off to Judgement he goes!

    Otherwise reverse marking, LOL.

  • journey-on
    The elder suggested that he read from a new NWT bible because his was out dated (1960) and a scripture was worded different from the newer version.

    Really? Do you know which scripture by any chance?

  • marsal


    He must have been referring to Hebrews 1:6.

    The 1960 NWT translates it as "...And let all God's angel's worship him" (Jesus)

    They later changed that to "...And let all God's angel's do obeisance to him".

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Ezekiel 25:19

  • James Free
    James Free

    "The elder stated that the K.M. was going to be talked about later and it had nothing to do with getting together and studying the bible, reading WT, or researching in publications. That he needed to wait until September." I always hated hearing elders making such idiotic answers when asked something. The truth id the elder has no more information than anyone else reading the article. It will be discussed/dissected at a meeting. Something that can be read in 2 minutes will tale 10 or 20 minutes of lame questions and answers that endlessly repeat what is already there. Discussion? - there is no such thing at the meetings - just repetition. Try and add to/tray from the text and see what happens. I used to conduct parts like this - the hardest part was thinking of ways to ask the same question over and over in different ways in order to fill up the time. Of course, one way was always ask 3 or 4 to comment after all has been said already. Hehe, I am so glad I no longer have to listen to such dribble.

  • Stealth453

    The elder suggested that he read from a new NWT bible because his was out dated (1960) and a scripture was worded different from the newer version.


    Oh, I'm sorry, the lights must be getting brighter.

    What of a "god" that can't write down his "instructions" for "his" "only" earthly subjects in a manner in which they could be understood?

    Could anyone imagine feeling comfortable buying a product that needed to be assembled before use, only to find that the manual was comprised of parables, mysterious "stories', and next to impossible to undrstand prophesies?

    Reason number 26 why I am a hard-core athiest.

  • Stealth453

    James Free.....

    BEAUTIFUL avitar.

    Priceless man.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I can see his avitar too. W.Once

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Some People just can't see between the lines of the society. Who does that elder think he is to say someone can not read from their own bible.

    I would have reacted!

    Maybe some people just can't see the avitar(ERRORS) even if it is pointed out to them.

    What is the big deal about that scripture? NONE! so it must be a control issue!

  • hibiscusfire

    Sarah Smiles: The elder suggested that he read from a new NWT bible because his was out dated (1960) and a scripture was worded different from the newer version.

    This is how the truth gets distorted. By changing the original source the actual meaning gets twisted. Have you ever heard of a game called pass it on or gossip or secret? For fun you guys can try it some time with a large group of people. All you do is make a huge ring. Next, the first person in the line says something once in the next person's ear ensuring no-one hears anything. The secret should be maybe two sentences or more. Not too long though. So then that person in turn says the same thing to the next person and so on and so on. In the end the actual words which were said are totally different and the entire message is twisted, and even may have nothing to do with the original message (this happens ALOT!).

    The JW friend asked, "Why the Faithful and Descreet Slave did not want people to study together?" The elder stated that the K.M. was going to be talked about later and it had nothing to do with getting together and studying the bible, reading WT, or researching in publications. That he needed to wait until September.

    This sounds like a life and death situation. You will have time died and you will get no answer. Sometimes they would want you to study together because they find there are too many questions to answer. When you read theNew World Translationbible and compare it to the King James version you would see how many things are different.


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