Common Uses: "This medicine is used to prevent or treat seizures. This medcine is used to treat acute manic episodes. This medicine is used to treat anxiety. This medicine is used to treat multifacial tic disorder. This medicine is used to treat painful nerve diseases. This medicine is used to treat panic attack. This medicine is used to treat Parkinson's disease. This medicine is used to treat restless leg syndrome. This medicine is used to treat schizophrenia." I wonder if it can be used to treat cats.
Hey! An all-purpose mental healt med!
by Madame Quixote 9 Replies latest jw friends
I had a friend with Tourrette's Syndrome that took Clonopin (don't know if spelling is correct). I believe it's used for many of the illness you mentioned.
Is your cat sick???
choosing life
That would fit a few meds, actually. Which one are you talking about? You know the more diseases they get a drug approved for, the larger the market and the more money they rake in.