Great Quote From Everything about God Wrong

by stillajwexelder 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    As you know I recommended a new book - here is an excerpt from my original post . Everything you know about God is wrong - The disinformation Guide to Religion. new book recommend Edited by Russ Kick published 2007 This is a new book just arrived ISBN-10 1-932857-59-1. It is 387 A4? pages long by various authors and a piece by Dawkins.

    Page 277 David B. Barrett Holy Blood, Holy Code - critique of the Da Vinci Code "What a lot of these books miss in their affronted reaction (edit by me - critics of the Da Vinci Code) is that it's actually very healthy to challenge "received wisdom"

  • educ8self

    The phrase "received wisdom" doesn't even make sense in the first place. You can receive knowledge/info, but wisdom is like intelligence - how do you "receive" it? Of course you can actively test it by using it, but anyone with any actual wisdom will likely see it's just a script that's being followed. At best any discernment is used to try to make the story sound plausible, to yourself and/or others rather than make distinctions about what is true - which is of course backwards.

  • stillajwexelder
  • Shawn10538


  • JCanon

    is that it's actually very healthy to challenge "received wisdom"

    Nice quote and sentiment but it is ALWAYS done in a biased way depending on what side you're on. For instance, take revisionism. Academics simply close their minds if a fundamentalist suggest that the Babylonians or Persians revised their records! Yet they will talk about how Isaiah and the postexilic writings in the Bible were carefully revised in a minute. So they analyze the Bible with concepts of comprehensive and complex revisionism, but they don't bother doing that for the pagan records. Why not?

    I say, YES! Let's do challenge ALL received knowledge. Let's put the Bible and the pagan histories on the block and examine both of them with the same standards! Then see what we come up with.

    But that seldom happens. The intellectuals have their own agendas, that's why. Clearly anti-Biblical and proto-secular. Thus you will find analyses of the Book of Isaiah being examined for every word and nuance, but few will compare the apocrhyal Esdras with the canonical Esdras (Ezra/Nehemiah), will they? That's a much direct comparison if you are looking for revisionism. But no, that won't happen. Because that comparison will challenge established secular chronology and they don't want us to ever even question it as being flawed or revised.

    So I agree. Let's analyzed it ALL, but do it evenly and equally on both sides of the fence.


  • stillajwexelder

    actually that reminds me of a whole chapter in the book - I will quote it later

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