I was talking to a friend last night who is still dealing with a breakup that happened a few months ago. He ended up dating a younger sister (22) for a few months. She's bi-polar, and whenever things would get serious she would break it off. Then, she'd beg him to take her back. After they broke up the last time, she started spreading things around about him in the congregation. He tried talking to the elders about it, but they wouldn't do anything. He brought out that if he would have led a girl on like that, they would have hauled him into the back room and taken away privileges, to which they agreed that that would have happened.
He's working on moving away from the area. But all the females in the kingdom hall up where he lives (northern michigan) have this extremely child-like attitude towards life. They constantly lead guys on, thriving from the attention while continuing to be these "ever so holy virgin maidens." It's almost maddening how self-righteous and haughty JW Women can be. To my friend, it just means he needs to move to another hall. To me, it's just further proof that being a witness is all about putting on a good show and attaining the highest status you can possibly get. I can't understand HOW they expect guys to marry only witnesses when none of the witness females want to get married! That is, not to you, because you're not a fancy-ass elder who is rich, a pioneer, handsome, and never wants sex.
So anyway, that's my rant for the evening.