Reexamine site status?

by CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter

    About 6 weeks ago I went to the reexamine site to look for a WT book. The site was down and I didn't think anything of it, as it has been down from time to time when I have gone there in the past.

    I tried again today and the same 'page under repair' mssg was there along with a 'suspended page' notation in the address bar.

    Does anyone know if the reeaxmine site is down for good?


  • yesidid

    btt cos i wanna no 2

  • carla

    Who's got a mirror of the Quotes site? I went to reexamine the other day for something and it was still down. GB after them or something?

  • Gopher

    Here's the latest information I could find about this, from a thread on this board in September 2006:

    Here's info from the last post:

    It would appear that the WTBTS (Watchtower Association Malaysia ) has issued a cease and decease for under the DMCA. Since he did not respond to the request in a timely manner, within 24hours, the isp has temporarily suspended the account. Reexamine is working on getting it back up soon.

    BTW, the DMCA = the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

  • CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter

    Thank you for the information and the link to the previous discussion.

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