It seems that turning 50 triggers an avalanche of marketing schemes for "seniors". One that I have looked into and find the most egregious is the AARP (Amer. Assoc. of Retired Persons). They try to present themselves as a big club made up of older people for the purpose of group insurance buying power and political lobbying for pro-senior causes. In fact, they are nothing more than a big insurance broker themselves and lead their members around by the nose to exploit them for every nickel they can sqeeze out. Their political lobbying efforts are strictly aimed at their own corporate self interest and often are directly opposed to legislation that would help seniors but hurt their insurance scheme.
RE: Aging - heads up
by Gregor 9 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I'm old. LOL
Thanks for the warning. AARP has been bombarding me as I recently hit the big 5-0.
I totally disagree. For a few bucks a year to join I save hundreds on car and house insurance, get discounts on motels and car rentals. As far as political lobbying goes I don't have a clue. If I were to go by what is written in their monthly magazines I would say they do a fair amount to help. But then again, it is in their magazine. *snort*
If I were to go by what is written in their monthly magazines I would say they do a fair amount to help.
Well, in that case, I guess they are OK.
If I were to go by what is written in their monthly magazines I would say they do a fair amount to help.
Well, in that case, I guess they are OK.
Thansk fot the heads up, Gregor. I did not know that.
They solicit me frequently. They have as of yet enticed me to bite. Its sad that everybodys working an angle. When you follow the yellow brick Road you end up in OZ with the Wizzard behind the curtain.
I am 62 and I have an intense hatred for the selfishness of old people.
I throw AARP stuff in the garbage. They are a lobby group that benefits a segment of the population that has too many benefits already.
Where is the AAFYC? American Association of Families with Young Children.
Social Security is a scam. It is a way for rich people to make sure they don't have to take care of old people.
Social Security should be a simple welfare program to take care of the needs of children, mentally ill, retarded, morbidly obese in addition to the needs of old people.
Rich people should be paying for these services instead of collecting their social security for miscellaneous pocket change.
Old bastards get free medical care, prescriptions drugs, social security all on the backs of young families that can't afford similar benefits.
I know some old people who are able to pass their social security checks on to their children. They give their check to a different kid every month.
Once again old people are a bunch of greedy old bastards (I hate it but that includes me) that suck extraordinary benefits from the common pocketbook.
Proplog2..I'm 62 also and I disagree with ..." Old bastards / Old people are a bunch of greedy bastards that suck extraordinary free benefits i.e. medical care, prescription drugs and social security from the common pocketbooks / on the backs of young families that can't afford similar benefits."
None of these benefits are extraordinary or free. We were once young families with a common pocketbook that you mention that have paid all our lives into the social security and medicare systems. We still have to pay for prescription drugs and Doctor visits, nothing extraordinary free benefits there.
I agree that the system needs changing and that AAFYC and ARRP need to be there for the families. However, Me and my wife ( 67 ) both still working to pay for medical care, prescription drugs and who still pay into the social security system that others will benefit from, are by no means greedy old bastards.
From the time that we are able to collect from what we paid into the system we will soon die. Many years paying into the system few years collecting minimum returns.
And this you call extraordinary! This you call greedy old bastards!
Yes extraordinary. In the American (USA) system medicare is extraordinary. Prescription medicine IS extraordinary - again in America (USA). It shouldn't be.
True, if you retire at 62 you have to go without certain benefits for a while.
Our parents really benefited from social security. When our parents were raising us they paid a very small percentage into the system. And their income tax was much smaller.
As a self-employed person -social security- has been a heavy load.
Please check out this link for the following quotes:
"Is it fair that young families pay 5.2 times higher inflation-adjusted social security/Medicare tax rates than seniors did in their working years, while accepting that today's seniors consume twice as much as a typical 30 year old does compared to 35 years ago - plus receive much higher real benefits than today's young will receive when they retire?
Is it fair that young workers must protect senior pensions from inflation by granting them guaranteed cost of living adjustments, when many working people have zero inflation-protection guarantees for their own earnings?
Is it fair that young workers must pay Medicare and income taxes to help cover increased health insurance costs of seniors, while many working people must also pay increased premiums for their own medical insurance coverage including higher co-payments?
Is it fair that today's working families, where both mother and father must work, have a 1,000% higher load to cover senior pensions than in 1950 when only 1 wage earner per family was required to make ends meet?"