cyber sin? cyber confession?

by oompa 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    If a witness came to this site and began using it regularly under totally annonymous ID, and this came to the attention of local elders as almost certain fact, would this actually be considered apostacy? He knows nobody, they do not know him, and he tells no lies about the orginazation anyway. He does not want followers. What would the elders try to do? (no one could speak against the poster, no two witnesses)

    Maybe he could just post a cyber confession under the username in question? lol

    help a little.....oompa

  • bigdreaux

    yes, even THINKING some of the things said here are grounds for being df'd. and they would consider coming here associating with apostates.

  • eclipse

    It's sad but bigdreaux is correct.

    We are condemned just for being here, unless you are a JW apologist, then you may get a slap on the wrist.

  • JH

    I say 2 hail Marys every day and ask for God's forgiveness for being here.

  • wherehasmyhairgone

    thought crimes. you gotta love the WTS

  • changeling

    I lot would depend on the particular body of elders. Some are more "gung ho" than others.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Just give 'em Name, Rank, and Publisher Number. And smile a lot.


  • greendawn

    Why are you so apprehensive on what they think about someone participating on a forum? Everyone is free to gather and evaluate information and you also can damn well do as you please. Their job is to answer the questions that arise from such searches in a logical and coherent manner.

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