Photuris Female / Photinus Male and the Watchtower

by Blueblades 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Something I read about. Photuris is a killer female of one genus of firefly. She plays a deadly trick on the males of another firefly genus, Photinus.

    Understandably, the Photinus males scrupulously avoid contact with the bloodthirsty Photuris females.

    But through the centuries of experience, the female hunters have located a weakness in their prey, a special blinking courtship code by which members of the victims' species tell one another they are ready to mate.

    Somehow, the Photuris female has cracked the Photinus courtship code. By mimicking the flashing mating signals of her prey, the murderess is able to feast on the bodies of males whose triggered courtship tapes cause them to fly mechanically into death's, not love's, embrace.

    The Watchtower is similar to the Photuris killer female, how so you may ask, they too have located a weakness in humans and has used a deadly trick, a blinking light that goes on and off getting brighter and brighter causing unsuspecting humans to walk right into their false love's embrace.

    And that, has we have come to learn, is deadly. Death has come to many young and old, the blood on the altar of the Watchtower continues.

    Hopefully, that blinking light will become dimmer and dimmer until it is no more.

    Just thinking outloud to myself as I read about this similarity.


  • FreeGirl2006

    Interesting analogy!

  • SirNose586

    Where did you read this? Fly Monthly?

    In my normal travels I do not encounter information about fly genera...but that's kinda cool to know...

  • Carmel

    ...the Dipteran Digest??

  • greendawn

    Anyone with a minimal sense can see that the blinking light is not from God but from ignorant men, God doesn't mess around with humans telling them one thing first and then another totally different. The FDS is clearly not God directed or inspired.

  • Blueblades

    Greendawn, How right you are. And that's what makes them bloodguilty. Read, "Blood On The Altar", by David Reed.



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