This is a collection of all the books of the Bible, with all the absurdities and contradicitons verse by verse..... including the Christian response to
The Skeptics Annotated Bible- Be brave and read it.
by fedorE 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
my first bookmark. I use it a lot here lol
This is a pretty good resource. My only problem with the site is it tends to over try sometimes, if that makes sense.
But for finding a scripture on a particular subject its is great for. It was also very useful for the book of Mormon as well.
May I also humbly offer...
this is a great resource for translations back from the original hebrew... I used this very site to show that Isiah did NOT say the earth was a globe ( as described in the evol book) in fact was reinforcing the idea of a flat circle (common with that day beliefs) and shows whole the word for globe or sphere is used in the bible for other item but not for the earth, .
I think I love it.
In a time before maps.... to define the earth as a globe?
Where Be "Here be Dragons"? Ubi sunt "Hic sunt dracones"?
That English mapmakers formerly placed the phrase "here be dragons" at the edges of their known world has somehow become general knowledge... and here is the list of all known historical maps upon which these words appear:
In other words, there aren't any. Of course, it is not surprising that the English phrase does not appear on maps from a time and place where Latin was the language of learning, so here is the list of all known historical maps where the phrase appears in Latin:
- The Lenox Globe(ca. 1503-07), copper, 13cm in diameter (in the collection of the New York Public Library): "HC SVNT DRACONES" (i.e. "hic sunt dracones", "here are dragons") appears on the eastern coast of Asia
In other words, there is one. Just one. MapHist's collective wisdom has turned up an additional list of textual and pictorial references to dragons and beastly creatures, but only the Lenox Globe bears the legendary phrase.
Now thats what i call intresting! Dragons on globes. Weve come a long way! ( But i still believe theres something to UFOs..dont know what but something.....)
Madame Quixote
It's really cool, isn't it?
I've found a lot of the Christian responses are based on extra-biblical cognitive gymnastics. Whenever someone points out something nasty in the Bible, they start the "well, this actually means this and this is tied to this verse here." Basically, whenever the Bible doesn't make sense, it doesn't mean what it's saying.