Has anyone ever met up with any? What did you think? My own experience with them locally was not so exciting. This was an atheist/agnostic meetup group. The organizer has alot of contact with Richard Dawkins so I thought perhaps this group would be interesting to meet with. I was wrong. I think perhaps they forgot the human in humanist. It seemed to be mainly a group of negative grumpy people who besides complaining enjoyed mostly talking about science fiction books (I can only take that so far...). Maybe this was an isolated case but it occurred to me that atheist/agnostic groups need to work on offering more positives rather than only focusing on the negative. Anyone else have experience with this?
Humanist Groups
by bavman 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think the problem is that anything with the word "group" is problematic.
Be yourself and formulate your own version of "humanism". You don't need a group to tell you how to be you.
Humanist is a pretty broad category. There are humanists of many religious persuasions, as well as humanists with no religious persuasions.
I attended a group for awhile at a UU church comprised of mainly atheist/agnostic humanists, before I got involved with nursing school. It was interesting. There was not a whole lot of negative talk and NO discussion of sci fi at all (although I like sci fi myself, and wouldn't mind an occasional discussion of it personally). This group is an action group that plans and implements ways to better their community. They discuss world affairs, they bring in outside speakers with humanist views and with views that differ from their own.Not that it's always sweetness and light with them, lol. They definitely have their own opinions, and debate can get spicy at times.But I have a tendency to enjoy listening to debate, since the WTS forbids it and I was unable to for so many years. I'm not good at participating in debate yet, but enjoy watching others be able to defend their position;)
I had a humanist college instructor a few years back. She is the one who started my education on spiritual abuse. She picked up on some things I said in class and helped me clarify some things. She was what you'd call a positive person, too.