Hurricane Dean and JW's.

by integ 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    While the WTBS is no doubt scrambling about at Bethel; frantically searching the scriptures in an effort to attach some prophetic meaning to this latest hurricane in the Caribbean, and how it somhow relates to the importance of stepping it up in the ministry, how much time do you think they will spend on plans to help their fellowman?

    I am sure we will all hear b.s such as " This just shows how we are in the last of the last of the last days".

    But oh by the way, make plans for our International Convention in 2009.

  • Cindi_67


  • fahrvegnugen

    I'm sure they will print up some extra life-saving "spiritual food" to distribute to the starving homeless victims.

  • Cindi_67
  • Gopher

    The end must be near, what with all these natural disasters !!

    Hurricanes have been occurring for millenia, but these hurricanes are something special, a sign of the times. Or something.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Mexican area has many JW's. I am sure that there will be some sincere effort to help.
    I am also certain that the WTS will warp that sincere effort into a way to raise cash for the
    Worldwide Work (which includes lawsuits) and to push more literature in Mexico where the
    householders might actually donate something for the mags. They will also say that this
    is just another part of the proof that the end is right around the corner.

    Many concerned JW's around the world will give an extra amount to help these folks and
    their money will not be allowed to be earmarked for Hurricane Dean, so WTS will determine
    an amount, based on their ability to sell property and mags, to send for relief.

    I am extra bitter at WTS for it's latest record of disaster relief and dismissal of their own
    Bethel family members before their health deteriorates. WTS proves it is only about
    it's own survival- members be damned. The actual aid comes from individuals who care
    very much.

  • WTWizard

    Here's my reply to the bullsxxx that Dean's arrival means the end is right at hand:

    2005. Katrina, Rita, and Wilma hit. Katrina alone resulted in $3 a gallon gas. New Orleans was almost totally destroyed, except for the French Quarters. There was bedlam as the rescue efforts were botched. And, of course the end did not come then.

    2004. Charlie, Ivan, and Jeanne hit Florida. The orange crop was ruined, resulting in serious price spikes in orange juice. And no end was forthcoming.

    2001. September 11 saw the planes flown into the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon, with another headed for the White House that the passengers crashed into the field short. And no Armageddon from that.

    1998. Hurricane Mitch hit the Latin American area, causing widespread deaths and damage in the mountains of Mexico. No Armageddon.

    1992. Hurricane Andrew slammed into the south of Florida, destroying Homestead. It also hit Louisiana after emerging into the Gulf. No Armageddon.

    1990. The Gulf War situation began, leading to full blown war. Again, Armageddon did not come.

    1989. Hurricane Hugo did serious damage to the Carolina coast. Of course, the end did not come.

    1988. Hurricane Gilbert ravaged the Yucatan Peninsula, and this did not herald Armageddon.

    Not to mention Camille, the Galveston hurricane of 1900, the 1906 earthquake in California, the 1989 or 1994 earthquakes, the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, two world wars, and countless thousands of hurricanes, tornado outbreaks (including the 1999 Oklahoma City tornado), earthquakes, blizzards, droughts (like the Ethopian drought and famine of 1984-85), wars, disease epidemics, and wildfires that have been happening since who knows when. This is just another major hurricane that is going to make the news for the next several months as the cleanup and rescue/rebuilding happen. Nothing that hasn't happened before--and for sure this doesn't mean the end is close, either.

  • Gopher

    One time I remembered trying to earmark one of my donations to the WTS to a particular disaster area, I think it was in Africa.

    Later that year we heard a letter from the Society read at our Service Meeting saying that if we wanted to help, just send in a check to the Society and THEY would decide how best to allocate the funds.

  • Awakened07

    I wonder what those folks on Jupiter did to deserve all those raging storms several earth-sized planets in size, lasting several hundred years. Some serious sinning been going on over there.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Don't have any info on Dean, but I did get an email that was forwarded to me from the Bethel home in Peru regarding their recent earthquake. There was some damage to the home and its contents but no injuries there. A brother and sister were killed from the town of Pisco, and a lot of brothers have lost their homes or they were badly damaged in three cities.

    Relief efforts were being organized to help the brothers. This was quite difficult because the main bridge between Lima and Pisco collapsed.

    Although the efforts were commendable, I noticed that the only concern was about the witnesses in the country. Not one word about their neighbors or anyone who was a non-witness.

    As usual, I'm sure articles will appear in the mags about the unparalleled love that identifies the WT organization as the only true religion.

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