Could someone(ATLANTIS?) please scan the waterfalls image on page 93 of the Live forever book.
1. If you are using scanner software then select the waterfalls image only(makes for a smaller file size)
2. You might have to remove page 93 with a razor blade so it will lie flat on the scanner bed
3. Place a dark piece of paper, felt ect (actually a sheet of black foam rubber works real good) on top of the page and then close scanner lid
4. select 600 DPI and scan
5. save as a TIFF file
6. upload file to a image host and lets hope the image host will allow TIFF files. If not then ZIP the TIFF and upload it to a file host
Please do not save the file as a JPEG and do not scale or change the resolution. If the scanner has a moire filter then use the filter please.The reason I ask this is because there are hidden images in the waterfalls scene. There is a hidden RAM in the pic!! I already found one of the horns but my JPEG is so crappy that is why I need someone out there to do a TIFF.
Thanks in advance and more thanks later