Why Doesn't the Governing Body Follow the Examples of the "Bible Writers"?

by AllTimeJeff 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AllTimeJeff

    The Witnesses often claim that they are the true religion. That there existence has fulfilled bible prophesy and bible chronology. Obviously then, there version of the bible (the NWT) and how they defend the bible is important to their claims. In our modern times, living in the “information age” as we do, the bible has been under close scrutiny and investigation. Logical questions have been asked, inconsistencies have been identified, contradictions exposed. But for most theistic believers, they continue to exercise their faith. How do JW’s show that the bible is the literal word of god?

    One argument is the “honesty of the bible writers.” Instead of trying to cover up mistakes and wrongdoing, the bible is 100% honest and forthcoming. Consider the following WT quotes:

    *** w98 4/1 p. 14 par. 17 A Book for All People *** 17 Honest writers would record not just successes but also failures, not just strengths but also weaknesses. The Bible writers displayed such refreshing candor. Consider, for example, the forthrightness of Moses. Among the things he frankly reported were his own lack of eloquence, which in his view made him unfit to be Israel’s leader (Exodus 4:10); the serious mistake he made that prevented his entering the Promised Land (Numbers 20:9-12; 27:12-14); the deflection of his brother, Aaron, who cooperated with rebellious Israelites in making a statue of a golden calf (Exodus 32:1-6); the rebellion of his sister, Miriam, and her humiliating punishment (Numbers 12:1-3, 10); the profaneness of his nephews Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1, 2); and the repeated complaining and murmuring of God’s own people. (Exodus 14:11, 12; Numbers 14:1-10) Does not such frank, open reporting indicate a sincere concern for truth? Since the Bible writers were willing to report unfavorable information about their loved ones, their people, and even themselves, is there not good reason to trust their writings?

    And this one:

    *** ba pp. 15-16 Can This Book Be Trusted? *** ) The serious mistakes of King David were not covered over but were committed to writing—and that while David was still ruling as king. (2 Samuel, chapters 11 and 24) Matthew, writer of the book bearing his name, tells how the apostles (of which he was one) disputed over their personal importance and how they abandoned Jesus on the night of his arrest. (Matthew 20:20-24; 26:56) The writers of the letters of the Christian Greek Scriptures freely acknowledged the problems, including sexual immorality and dissensions, in some of the early Christian congregations. And they did not mince words in addressing those problems.—1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 5:1-13.

    Surely then, the true religion that claims the bible is 100% inspired would be obligated to follow the example of the bible in this way. They should then deal with their own shortcomings and acknowledge their specific mistakes, and to quote their own words "freely acknowledged the problems, including sexual immorality and dissensions." Do they do this? Or do they cover up and whitewash their history?

    There are many unpleasant personal episodes regarding the first 2 Presidents of the WTBTS, CT Russell, and JF Rutherford. Russells divorce is glossed over, even though there is a lot of evidence that he was at the very least a flirt, if not an outright adulterer. The "miracle wheat" controversy, where he made through the pages of the WT wild claims regarding some hybrid wheat that out of the goodness of his heart he was willing to sell to the brethern below cost is certainly embarassing for a man that supposedly Jehovah saw fit to entrust the revivial of true worship in our day.

    Rutherford was even worse. Putting aside the "hostile takeover" of the Society in 1917 that he pulled, he was without a doubt a one man dictator, a verbally abusive despot. No governing body was around or even sniffed power while he was alive. He was against prohibition because he drank heavily as an alcoholic. He had illegal booze smuggled into Bethel. He built a San Diego mansion during the Great Depression where he lived and ruled Bethel from. He was in constant attendance by younger women. It was well known but covered over fact that he was a fornicator. He slept around, had sex, etc etc etc.

    In an little publicized event, the Society's lawyer during the 1930's was a man named Olin Moyle. He wrote a private letter to Rutherford in 1939 expressing his displeasure at Rutherfords drinking and verbal abuse. Rutherfords response was to kick Moyle out and through the pages of the WT, warn the brethern that Moyle was essentially a trouble making apostate. (*** dx30-85 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania *** warning letter from board of directors regarding O. R. Moyle: w39 316-17) Moyle rightly filed a libel suit against the Society that was settled in 1943.

    My question: Does the governing body today, or at any time in their existence, acknowledge these problems, mistakes, sins, and dissensions as they claim the bible does?

    Most troubling are the sexual sins of the GB. Two of their number, Ewart Chitty and Leo Greenlees were both found to be homosexuals. Chitty was sent back to his native Britain in 1979 and not disfellowshipped. His needs were payed and cared for by the Society until his death. Greenlees in late 1983 was found to have for decades seduced new boy bethelites into homosexual relationships. Surely he should have been disfellowshipped. But he wasn't. He was sent to New Orleans where he was made a Special Pioneer on the infirmed list. His basic needs were still payed and cared for by the Society until his death in 1989.

    My question: Does the governing body today, or at any time in their existence, acknowledge these problems, mistakes, sins, and dissensions as they claim the bible does?

    The pedophile issue? Barabara Anderson knows of their database file with over 20,000 sexual predators within their midst. The Society's answer? Instead of turning these sicko's over to the authorities, they disfellowship her and Bruce Bowen. They are apostates because they didn't play by the rules the governing body sent. No bible law or principle was broken. They were disfellowshipped to limit their ability to expose the pedophile problem within the Witness organization.

    My question: Does the governing body today, or at any time in their existence, acknowledge these problems, mistakes, sins, and dissensions as they claim the bible does?

    There are other things, and this post is too long as it is. But one thing is certain. The Witnesses own arguement that they use to show that the bible is true smacks them in their own face as to their claim of being the true religion. Because the true religion should (in their own words) imitate exactly the candor of the bible writers who....

    *** ba p. 16 Can This Book Be Trusted? *** The writers of the letters of the Christian Greek Scriptures freely acknowledged the problems, including sexual immorality and dissensions, in some of the early Christian congregations. And they did not mince words in addressing those problems.


  • Vinny

    You are correct. If you are a poor unsuspecting bible study you will never hear about the WT Society's past mistakes.

    CURRENTLY no bible study is told of all the past medical mistakes such as prohibiting vaccinations for 21 years or organ transplants for 13 years (calling it cannibalism), along with the ever-changing blood and fractions mess that have cost tens of thousands of lives at least.

  • James Free
    James Free

    Many good points raised. The total lack of humility, disguised as a desire not to bring reproach on God's name, always shocked me. I waited for years to read an apology about the 1975 fiasco. I was shocked when it finally came - it blamed some overzealous brothers - not the GB for it. This was an outright lie.

    Even the WT history books, like the Proclaimers book, glosses over the facts. This is plain dishonesty.

    It is a proof that they are NOT God's appointed servants today.

  • monophonic

    the best writing is honest writing and embracing our human condition.

    it's not unique that bible writers show their weaknesses, many writers do....and it's actually pretty pathetic that the society stains their panties and promotes that to death about the bible.

    and that they have to keep up appearances for the masses, so hush hush, nope, no homosexuality in bethel, well, a bit, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what i mean, say no more....

  • WTWizard

    This is perfectly true. The Governing Body claim to represent Jehovah (the most high God in their eyes). They claim that the whole Bible is inspired of God and beneficial. They tell new members that they follow the whole Bible. They lambaste other religions, especially the Catholic church, for picking and choosing their Bible points that they want to follow, putting themselves above all that. To me, it stands that they are obligated to actually follow the whole Bible as they claim to, or honestly come forth as not following the Bible as closely as they claimed.

    There are so many points that they are not following closely, even now (regardless of what the past leaders did). Ted Jaracz is effectively seizing control of the Governing Body, selecting new members that are going to agree with his beliefs. Which wouldn't be so bad if the members were not shunned and stuck in hardship if they don't follow (at least someone can abandon a forum that they feel is corrupt, and the forum owner will not be able to do anything except watch the new forum swim--or sink, as I have seen one recently do).

    However, the Watchtower Society holds its members captive and makes hardship for those who leave. They tear families apart. They strip departing members of jobs and apartments if they have succeeded in getting people to roommate or work with and for "brothers". They set people up to not be able to do well in the world. In this fashion, they are particularly reprehensible.

    Other things they blow including minding your own business (notice all the houndings for private matters), forgiving people of sins (especially sins committed because of weakness or skepticism), comforting those who are experiencing tribulation instead of making the tribulations worse, lightening the workload instead of adding persecution and problems where none had to exist, and checking for yourself if the religion is really the truth without getting marked as an apostate for doing so. Note also that Jesus forgave Peter on a number of serious sins including a triple denial (and giving him a major assignment only 6 weeks after). Does the congregation do that today? Or, do they make people wait upward of 3 years for the simple "privilege" of being allowed to associate with family and relatives again after commission of a sin, which may or may not be trumpte up?

    It's one thing to just not follow the examples of the Bible writers. But, after so vehemently claiming to follow the whole Bible so closely, I feel that they have an obligation to. As long as they are claiming that they alone follow the Bible and are asking everyone to follow their example, they ought to be doing so to the best of their abilities. Otherwise, it is hypocrisy and deceiving people into a scam. If they are going to not follow the Bible, they had best stop claiming to.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hello all. I wrote this some years ago, and I think this to me still rings true. You can't be the "true" religion if you don't own up to your mistakes. JWs have never done this. Or I should say, the GB.

    Not one "I'm sorry" to Candace Conti, Barbara Anderson, etc. No humility to see here. Nothing but a cult that loves their money more than the victims of their Ostrich like leadership.

    Child abuse is not something the GB understands, or cares to.

  • mP

    There are no examples in the Bible where anybody like Jesus or Moses helps any kid in trouble. Pedophilia is not mentioned or condemned in the Bible. If anything the opposite is true, there are a few scriptures where the Bible says a master has right over his slaves that have been bought from other jews to sex as they are his property. Could this be pedophilia perhaps, given most women were sold before they got old there is always a big possibility that fathers sold their young daughters to dirty old men.

  • Scott77

    As always, very excellent and informative post. Thank you AllTimeJeff


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