4am in the UK, and I was jolted awake by a dream about my mother dying, she is not in good health. I felt overwhelmingly sad that if this happens, she will die in sadness over me. And also very upset because she is my mum and I want her to love me and be interested in my life and that just isn't the case any longer.
I realise I am 'luckier' than some on here because at least she speaks to me. But my whole family, (mother, two brothers, one sister) are JWs and all of my life long friends and it's lonely on the outside. I am feeling sorry for myself over friends whose parents and siblings are 'normal'!
Anyway, no doubt, when I eventually get back to sleep, I'll wake up on the other side of the bed and things will look brighter.
This religion is truly fucked up, and I long for just one of them to see it.