I know it used to be 60, but what about now?
How many hours to aux. pioneer now?
by Shawn10538 8 Replies latest jw friends
If you're thinking of handing in an application, it might be wise not to mention this site!
S4 -
It was 50 many years ago.
It is still 50 for aux. pioneering. It's only 70 per month (average) for regular pioneers.
The main difference between aux. and regular pioneers-
Regular pioneers learned how to go longer by getting their errands and breaks to "count." -
about 5 years ago it was 50.
It used to be 60 but was lowered to 50 some years back.
I first auxiliary pioneered™ in 1984. I made my time™ in March and April so I decided to do it again in June. I only got 57 hours and I felt so bad. I thought I was gonna die at armageddon™.
It wasn't until I started regular pioneering™ that I mastered the art of creative timekeeping.
4 - 5 hours of real service, then another 45 hours of walking, breaks, meeting at the hall, driving to the hall, driving to the territory, stopping at the farmers market, stopping at the thrift store, stopping for gas, going to the mall, going to parks, going to laundry mats, informal witnessing, studying with your sons or daughters (or at least thinking about studying), saying "Jehovah", "Faithful Slave", "This old system of things" or "Jesus" in public, etc.
I only put in more than 1 - 2 hours of real service once in my whole life. One month I put in 16 hours, it felt like 100 or more, it was AWFUL!!!! The last couple years of being a dub, I only went out like once every 3 or 4 months. Most of my time came from "public sayings" or answering friends questions about my crazy religion. I would count 1 hour for each question.
Does anyone know for sure when this change took place and the rationale behind it? I think it was around 1994. I know it was when I was in Bethel, so it must have been 90-96. In fact I'm pretty sure I was in the spanish congregation when it went down. I remember thinking that the "New" pioneers were not real pioneers since they only had to get 70 hours. I figured the Society was going soft.
I believe it was 1999 that they lowered the quota from 60 to 50. One time, it was 75 hours (I don't know when that was because it was before my time). Originally, they had vacation pioneers where you had to get 100 hours during the month, like regular pioneers (except the regulars had to do it every month).
Who knows what will happen to these numbers next. They might lower it some more to get others to sign up. Or they could jack them way up to make people unable to do anything else, and then threaten the flock if they don't. Time will tell, and I think with the Kool-Aid Puketowers, it is going to be one wild ride. I'm glad I don't have to worry about that.
On this forum, it is 100-249 posts for Junior Member total (below 100, you are a newbie). From 250-499, you are a senior member. From 500-999, it's Master Member. From 1000-1999, it's Jedi Master. From 2000-4999, it's Emperor Class. After 5000, it's Supreme One. I am not aware of anything above this, and I have seen a few with more than 20,000 posts. Trust me, it's easier to become a Jedi Master than a regular pioneer.