...what did it say about the FDS - GB? How did I not notice the "God's channel" crap?
Who has a "TRUTH" book? My question is ...
by AWAKE&WATCHING 8 Replies latest jw friends
I began my "study" in 1972 out of the first edition "TRUTH" book. I don't recall any mention of FDS or God's channel either.
We started out on pablum cereal; they brought out the Wheaties later! I shudder to think what the members only WT will contain.
I was in Federal Prison in 1968 when the TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE book came out.
The focus of the book was the mythical and wholly illusory madness of THE END OF 6,000 years of HUMAN EXISTENCE imbroglio.
Ignoring the fact that the Society had already published this "end" once before in a much earlier time interval; the purpose of the book was made clear.
Start bible studies with the purpose of getting people baptised within 6 mos. Reach, Teach, Baptise or cut them loose!
This phoney "Going out of Business" sale provided a launching pad for a flurry of activity. It was strictly ABC's in its theology. Terrify people with out of context quotes about civilization run amok, the end of the food supply, overpopulation and God's imminent wrath, then; give them one EXIT to run screaming through: THE KINGDOM HALL!
If you have ever been on the receiving end of a high pressure salesman screaming at you: 'YOU MUST ACT NOW!' you've got The Truth Book in a nutshell.
The FDS doctrine is not the focus of such a quikie bible study program. When the issue comes up (only among savvy student who are paying attention) customary flim-flam is used like spackle to shore up the cracks: God always has had a channel of communication, etc.
Not only did the Truth Book vanish into obscurity, but; so did the focus on the 6,000 years of human existence panic of 1968---1975!
What ever became of its significance? Ask any JW to explain THAT one!!
What ever became of its significance? Ask any JW to explain THAT one!!
Yes, yes, yes, ask them. Also, ask about those who spread out to serve where the need was greater. Where are they now? What happened to the urgency of the times? Did F. W. Franz suffer qualms of conscience or a crisis of faith as did Mother Teresa? Crazy, isn't it?
What ever became of its significance? Ask any JW to explain THAT one!!
Yes, yes, yes, ask them. Also, ask about those who spread out to serve where the need was greater. Where are they now? What happened to the urgency of the times? Did F. W. Franz suffer qualms of conscience or a crisis of faith as did Mother Teresa? Crazy, isn't it
Here is another honest question for long time and faithful JW's who came from the 1968--1975 roundup.
If all the time, energy, sacrifice, dedication and money spent in preaching the non-event of 1975 had been spent on building hospitals, shelters, daycare centers, schools, half-way houses---would that be a BETTER USE of blood and treasure? At least you'd have something rather than the nothing which embarasses the JW's eternally.
Terry - good point about building hospitals etc., I appreciate your responses, always helps me fire up those almost dead synapses.
My MIL told me the other day that I knew what I was getting into before I got baptized and I shouldn't be digging around now looking for problems. I told her that I really didn't remember much about the "God's channel and you have to listen to us" nonsense and that I felt like it had come in small doses over the years. Sure, they encouraged me to do research on points that they could twist, like birthdays having pagan roots, but now I realize it that it was all stuff that really doesn't matter. Some meat.
She apparently hasn't read her 09/07 Km because she has never even heard of them discouraging research outside their publications. I told her that was one of my main issues. They give it out in small doses so you don't even realize that you are accepting something. Once they wrap it all up, in whatever "lesson",you think you knew it all along.
choosing life
I still have the original truth book that I used on my personal Bible study. And I didn't get the never ending allegiance to the FDS either, when I studied. Just a lot of love bombing and don't worry, God will fix everything. It is interesting to look through the book that so changed my life. I love the quote that says it will be too dangerous to live in this world soon, which has been a long time ago now.
I remember them bragging that it was a best seller. I think it was more of a best giver away, actually. Where is it now? Way out of date and definately not considered to be the truth any more by the jws.
From the "Truth That Leads To Eternal Life" (1968)
This is the only occurance of "Faithful and Discreet Slave" that I can find :
The members of the true church under Christ their head are said to become “Abraham’s seed,heirs with reference to a promise.” (Galatians 3:29) This promise is that all others of obedient
mankind will bless themselves through Christ and his congregation. (Genesis 22:18) The Bible
foretold that, at the time of the establishment of Christ’s kingdom, there would be only a remnant
of these children of the “Jerusalem above,” God’s heavenly organization, left on earth. (Galatians
4:26; Revelation 12:10, 17) Jesus described these members of his church on earth as a “faithful
and discreet slave.” And he said that such ones who were found faithfully serving at the time of
his coming to his judgment work would be appointed “over all his belongings,” that is, over all the
earthly interests of Christ’s kingdom. They would take the lead in the preaching of the good news
of the established Kingdom to all the nations in the “time of the end.”—Matthew 24:14, 45-47;
All those today who hope to gain eternal life in God’s new system need to recognize thisarrangement. For Jesus said that, in this “time of the end,” he separates to a position of favor
those doing good to the remaining ones on earth of his “brothers,” his joint heirs who make up the
Christian congregation. (Matthew 25:31-40) These are the remaining ones of the “living stones”
that are built up into a spiritual house or temple, “a place for God to inhabit by spirit.” (1 Peter 2:5;
Ephesians 2:20-22) Those ‘doing good’ to the members of this temple class are described in the
book of Revelation as a “great crowd” of persons who come under God’s protection. Note, too,
that they gladly serve God “day and night in his temple,” that is, in association with the remnant of
the spiritual temple class, the Christian congregation.—Revelation 7:9, 10, 15.
These sheeplike persons say, in effect, to the heirs of the promise made with Abraham: “Wewill go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people.” (Zechariah 8:23) Even as
those of the true church or congregation faithfully walk in Christ’s footsteps and proclaim the
Kingdom message, so likewise these sheeplike ones ‘go with them,’ serving God right along with
them. Are you doing that? If so, you have the prospect of receiving eternal life on earth, along
with all the other blessings that will flow from Christ and his glorified congregation in the heavens.
[Study Questions]
1. Why is it important to know the identity of the true church and its foundation?
2. (a) Does the Bible ever use the word “church” to refer to a building? (b) What is the meaning
of the Greek word?
3. Why is the true church likened to (a) a human body? (b) an engaged virgin girl?
4. (a) Can anyone “join” the true church by getting his name on some earthly membership roll?
Why? (b) How many make up the true church that will be with Christ in heaven?
5. For what special purpose are members of the true church called?
6. (a) Who were the first members of the true church, and how was witness borne to them that
they were God’s spiritual sons? (b) When was membership opened up for non-Jews?
7. How did Jesus and the apostle Paul identify the foundation cornerstone of the true church?
8. (a) Why could there be no finer foundation for the true church than Christ Jesus? (b) What
question now comes up?
9. (a) How do some persons understand Jesus’ words at Matthew 16:18? (b) Did the majority of
the early church “fathers” understand Jesus’ reference to the “rock” as applying to Peter?
10. How did Augustine understand Jesus’ reference to the “rock”?
11. Whom did Peter himself understand to be the “rock”?
12. (a) How do we know whether Peter was viewed as an “infallible” head of the early church? (b)
Who always remains the head of the true church?
13. (a) What words of Jesus show there was to be no division of the congregation into clergy and
laity? (b) How were the ones taking the lead in the congregation to conduct themselves?
14. Why must the ones making up the true church be gathered in just one organization for
15. (a) How do Christ and his congregation benefit all other obedient humans? (b) What
responsibility did Jesus say he would give to his true church at the time of his coming in Kingdom
16. What blessings come to those who show proper recognition of this arrangement?
17. What do sheeplike ones say, in effect, to the remaining ones of the true church?