I am awaiting the 2007 reports. The peak in the 2006 service year is 6,741,444 publishers. So far, from what I heard they are desperately trying to break 7 million for the 2007 service year. I have heard a lot of people leaving that cult, but unfortunately too many are still going in. And I have not seen any interim reports that suggest either way.
However, my best guess is that they are going to come up with a peak just short of 7 million for the 2007 service year. They are going to have those tract pushes, notably in the middle of months so publishers can get hounded to come out during two different months. That could skew the numbers up some, especially with last fall's fiasco attempt to start the Great Tribulation with that false religion tract. And the push to get everyone to pioneer for March, April, and May (which did all too well, though not as well as they had hoped) is likely to have further inflated the numbers. And there is the hounding and badgering of people to come out at least once in August to further inflate the numbers.
Of course, I am hoping that at least 50% of those are scam hours. Many people turn in a report that includes, or is totally, fake hours. They either don't go out and still report time, or they do dummy service and count the time. They often knock on a door that they know no one is home, and then drive 2 hours (and waste the gas) and count the time. In that case, I would expect a major crash in the numbers once the crackdowns begin in the Kool-Aid Puketowers. But, if the numbers are even close to accurate, we are doomed to break 7 million during the pioneer pushes of the 2008 service year. We will have to wait until the end of this calendar year to know for sure how many people they report, and especially since it hasn't been finalized yet.
A word of advice: If you haven't gone out in service yet in August, please do not. That will help keep the numbers down. If you always turn in dummy or fake hours, then those fake hours have already been added in with the 6,741,444 already. But, if you are still waiting to become an unbaptized publisher, then it's probably the worst time to do that.