Today by postal mail I received a letter asking about some software I offered back in 1994 via BBS. Luckily for the person that wrote me I have it on a web page for downloading. I never imagined I would get a request for that software 13 years later with the original message I posted!
The Internet message lives forever...
by kwr 4 Replies latest jw friends
Now that's....really cool.
That's amazing, really. The chances of that, super low.
Do you mind telling what program it was? -
It was Digicom>64 for the old commodore computer system.
Wow, that's amazing. That must be some piece of software!
What is so neat about it is that prospective JW's will be able to see how GOOFY the Watchtower Society was when they GOOGLE JW, etc. 100 years from now.
It may save a few broken families and wasted lives.