Hey all, I just felt like sharing, I am so excited and anxious. Today my granddaughter is supposed to grace us with her presence. I dont think its gonna happen though. WOW if this is any indication of what she is going to be like... Stubborn LOL I just can't wait to see her, I wonder what she will look like. Maybe if everyone collectivly willed it she will be born today.... thanks for your help!!!
Waiting for my Grand daughter to arrive
by MsBHaving 8 Replies latest jw friends
No call yet.... come on everyone, help me wish, a little over 12 hrs left before her due date is gone, then she will be overdue and that just SUCKS
This must be your first grandchild. I know you must be excited and anxious. Congrats!
Hi Journey,
No its my third but its the first Girl. My son has the boys, this is my daughters first though
I can just FEEL your excitement!!
As you most likely know.....babies have their own timetable and arrive whenever they want to. Keep us posted when she decides to make her grand entrance!
Ah it wont be long now, me and megan are waiting for our first son (and first) to be born, anytime now - makes it worse when ya have false alarms and things too, you just want them doncha!
Hope all goes well
Wishing her a safe and swift arrival!!!You must be so excited have you bought anything pink yet?!
If (big if!) my pregnancy goes to plan we will know exactly when he/she will be arriving, as i'm only 13wks and theyve booked my caesarian already - feb 25th 2008!!
Hope she doesn't keep you all waiting too long!
Oh how exciting your first grand daughter! Well I'm hoping that she'll be born today for you ;-) Congratulations!
I hope she arrives soon, Congratulations.