witnesses think they are all in step word for word, action for action. Please give any examples you have, to the contrary.
Give examples of how JW are not all on the same page
by NotaNess 5 Replies latest jw friends
There was a brother in our old congregation that went to Japan (something to do with the religion) and he came back and showed us all a slide show of an assembly he went to there. There was a picture where all the brothers were dressed exactly the same. He said "you might be wondering why they are all dressed alike" then said it was because they were all just coming from their college classes. Now at the time we were all being told that College was BAD. Why if we were in a "Unified Religion" do some get to go to college and others are told no? That was "the beginning of the end" for me.
Well recently there was a thread on a nursing forum where JW nurses insisted that the WTS does not instruct anyone to report wrongdoing to the elders, much less breach confidentiality agreements in order to do so.
The same thread also discussed how some JW nurses will participate in administering blood transfusions or blood products to patients, while others refuse to do so.
Shunning (or not) of DFed family members varies from cong. to cong. and/or family to family.
I remember beards being a problem (if you grew one) in some congs, but not so much in others. Some people even grew beards during the summer every year, and shave it off come fall.
In some countries it seems the men have to wear suit and tie in field ministry - in other countries it's much more casual.
-Well - it ain't much, but you said "any examples". :-)
Where I live watching an R-rated movie at home isn't a big thing. But else where it can be a DFing offence.
I have heard of places where the brothers have to wear the suit coat no matter how hot and muggy it gets--I believe this was in Beth Hell. Other places allow some latitude in discretion about removing it when it gets hot, but the collar button has to stay done all the time.
There are plenty of people that have reported that Kingdumb Hells do not have windows. Where I live, all three of the ones I went to did have windows--at that, quite big ones. They did not open to let in fresh air (and bees), but they did let in the light if the blinds were not closed. Only to force the hounders to do the T-word (think) will I not divulge the location of the Hell I go to.
The D.E.A.D. talk at the Grand Boasting Session this past summer reflects another example. That person obviously viewed going to college as a disfellowshippable offense; others just frown on it. This might well become official soon after the Kool-Aid rags start coming off the presses (stay tuned for that episode). And there are discrepencies about the Internet: some only caution against "bad" sites like they do with music, while others will frown on it or even ban it. Music is another area where some are liberal while others try that "There are 225 songs you can listen to" crap.