I can't believe that the site mentions that JWs do not fit the definition of a cult. Is this still an issue? Have we not proven it over and over again? Are there any cult experts out there who do not consider jWs a cult? I haven't seen any. Just what does the Knocking video use as a definition of cult? The JW definition perhaps? I would love to chat with the idiots that produced that film. Does anyone know of any forums that relate directly to the film and its makers?
JWs not a cult according to KNOCKING?
by Shawn10538 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can't believe this topic is getting no response. Come on people! Let's establish that JWs are a cult and lets get the word out.
Brain Dead
By Jove it's a publishing house masquerading as a spiritual guided relgion.....shocking, what will they think of next ?
The master of the kingdom gains power and strength by the exploitation of his conjured slaves......... and he stood on top of tower and looked down on upon his kingdom
to see how vast it had become and what he saw pleased him so.
I saw the Knocking video, but I dont remember the part where this was mentioned. I would have been even more pissed if I had seen that.
Is it possible to watch the video online?
This was my own thread on KNOCKING: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/133732/1.ashx
including speaking to the producer of the film.Before you go there, I was happy that the film was released. While it doesn't do enough, any
exposure of their odd behavior shows JW's in a strange (bad) light.KNOCKING turned out to be a huge non-event. JW's either didn't hear of it, didn't watch it, or
decided to never mention watching it to most other JW's. PBS aired it, it came and went.
Most people don't care about Jehovah's Witnesses, other than the fact that they are bothered
by them about as much as those guys who try to clean your windshield at a stoplight.Is this still an issue? Have we not proven it over and over again? Are there any cult experts out there who do not consider jWs a cult?
There is still debate about JW's fitting the criteria, same for Mormons. Cult expert, Steve Hassan
did not believe JW's were fitting the description until shown otherwise. His main focus seems to
be toward cults that physically isolate their members. Other experts have varying opinions.We are winning, though. It is now generally accepted that JW's are a cult. Keep in mind that
even many posters on JWD will staunchly deny it, stating that they are a high-control group.
Some still want a cult to take everyone to a compound or have a single "leader" getting rich off
the selling of flowers or jams or something. Even there, JW's have Bethels around the world and
the Patterson Education center, and traded in a single leader for a dozen, while the ranks sell
magazines. -
I have watched Knocking, but I don't remember the cult issue being discussed. I did appreciate the fact that the non-JW grandmother's perspective on the blood issue were aired, and that the Jewish branch of the Kempler(?) family got to have their say. In both cases, the critics and criticims were understated, IMHO.
Unless people are personally involved with JW's, they have too many other things closer to home to think about.
The only mention of "cult" in the film was the non-JW grandmother stating her opinion of the JW's.
It was great that they put that in.The mention in this post is referring to the KNOCKING website that states so-called facts about
Jehovah's Witnesses.