Royal Ramblings: Trouble in the Kingdom

by Princess Daisy Boo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    PDB needs royal kick in the ass...

    OK, lets start at the beginning...

    Once upon a time, when Princess DB left school, she was instructed to find a job as going to varsity was not an option (obviously) and she wasn't planning on pioneering, so she found a job (at an insurance company), and remained in the same industry for the next 12 years. It was sould destroying for PDB as she fancied herself to be a creative girl and going to work everyday to do a job she found absolutly boring was a trial for her.

    Who knows whether is was just planets in alignment or whether is was a "thirdlife" crisis (as she was too young for a midlife and too old for a quarterlife crisis) but she decided that the time had come for her to get out of the industry that she hated and find something else. It just so happened that she came across a business for sale that she thought was perfect for her, it was just the thing to allow her to indulge her creative side and it seemed like it had the potential to prosper. Somehow she managed to convince Prince DB that this was just the thing and they took an additional bond on their palace and Princess DB bought the business.

    Now at this point it is essntial to understand that Prince DB is the prince of stability. He likes to be sure of every cent in his bank account whereas Princess DB is the princess of impulsiveness and doesn't mind living on the edge.

    Six months passed and the royal coffers were becoming less and less full. Princess DB's business was taking a bit of time to prosper and finances in the Kingdom of Daisy Boo were strained. Prince DB was starting to make bitchy comments to Princess DB about the lack of money. Princess DB was sad and overcome with guilt at what her impulsive decision to buy a business was doing to the kingdom and more importantly what it was doing to her relationship with Prince DB. She started to lose motivation and become defeatist and less and less sure of her ability to make a success of her business and spent (or wasted - depending on your perspective) more and more time on JWD and Facebook, in an attempt to avoid confronting the issues that faced her.

    And now Princess DB doesn't know what to do... in order to live happily ever after!

  • TheSilence

    As Princess DB was of an age to be in a "thirdlife" crisis, I imagine she has the time and energy to overcome this hurdle if she can slay the dragons "Guilt", "Loss of Motivation", and "Defeatist Attitude".


  • Mary

    I would strongly recommend that you speaking to someone who has Business/Marketing experience to see what you're doing wrong, and what you need to do in order to get your business working and make a success of it. If you can't afford a professional, then call the Business or Marketing Dept. at a university, outline your predicament and see if you can work with either a Grad student, or possibly a PhD student. They could come up with a plan for you that would cost you either nothing or very little, while the student could use your situation towards their degree.

    In all honesty, it sounds like you didn't look too thoroughly into this business, and haven't been very dedicated in making a go of it. Anyone who's had their own business will tell you that you have to work long hours, and be totally dedicated to it, if you want it to be successful. Posting 'too much' on JWD instead of working at your business isn't going to get you very far.

  • Hortensia

    where is your business? If it is in the USA, contact the Small Business Administration Service Corps of Retired Businesspersons (SCORE) for free advice and assistance in building your business. They will assign a counselor to meet with you, someone who is experienced in business, and that person will find out what you really want to accomplish and get your feet going in the right direction. I can't praise them highly enough - it is a very valuable service and it is FREE.

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