Recurring Dream

by Englishman 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I keep having this dream that I have started smoking again.

    I packed it in years ago, but I am always dreaming that I am in a social situation chatting to friends when I sudenly realise that I have been smoking cigarettes all evening. Then I start to feel very upset and hurl the pack away. I keep shouting that it was a mistake, that I hadn't even realised that I was smoking, but no-one believes me. I look in the mirror and my teeth are stained, I stick out my tongue and there is a brown furry patch at the back. My clothes smell awful and I feel that I have committed an act of betrayal. Then I usually wake up and feel incredibly relieved that none of this actually happened.

    Whats going on, I wonder?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • LittleToe

    Too much vino?

    I have a pal who had a similar type of dream.
    Then he would wake up to a pile of stub-ends on the side.
    He claimed he never knew how they got there.
    Go figure...


  • safe4kids

    Hey Eman ,

    I quit drinking over 5 years ago (out of necessity, believe me!) and I used to have recurring dreams about picking up again. Usually, it would be only a sip or two of beer or wine and then I would feel horrified and try to convince everyone around me that I hadn't meant to! I haven't had many of those dreams in the last couple of years but I think it was just my subconscious still trying to process everything...or maybe it was da debil!!!!!


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

  • Inquiry

    Hi Englishman...
    Once a smoker, always a smoker... in a sense it's true....
    It's part of craving.... and don't have a smoke no matter what... once you have smoked and quit, your body remembers... it has to make a type of nicotine naturally and when you are under stress, it's like it prefers that you supply the nicotine instead. It's the reason why so many people start smoking after years of not smoking.
    I know a woman who started smoking again after 16 years of not smoking, and several others who started again after 5 or so years.
    Just make the decision not to smoke every single morning and every single night. Make sure you don't give in.
    There's not much you can do about the dreams, but if someone around you smokes and the cigarettes are handy, you might be thinking about having one.
    Be honest with yourself and keep busy....
    Don't give in...

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