sex during marriage

by arker 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • arker

    1 Cor. 7 :38 "Consequently he also that gives his virginity in marriage does well, but he that does not give it in marriage will do better."

    Does this mean no sex during marriage is the best route?

    Kill me now

    id rather be a then

  • stillajwexelder

    no it means you should give your virginity to a whore

  • arker

    True! or it could mean don't get married just sleep around

  • Awakened07

    Didn't Paul write:

    "For thine LORD didst not create thine male limb and stones [penis, balls], rather they were crafted by the Devil. So that every man should cuttest off his male parts and cast them aside, for it is better to go without than to have the nightly discharges that follow impure dreams. They are an abomination that thou must pray forgiveness for. Thine male parts shouldst only be borrowed to thy wife - if thou ist weak and MUST marry - so that she may fertilize herself by thine seed. Doest not have sexual relations by thine wife, for it is an abomination. Thine seed shouldst only be shot out in her general direction so as to attempt the creation of offspring. Should offspring result, thou shouldst then cut thine male parts off, having served their purpose. Never must thou feel fleshly lust or fleshly love for anyone of the opposite gender, be it thine wife or other. Otherwise, cut thine brains out and cast them aside as well as thine male parts, for it is better to live without a brain and male parts than to contemplate the matters of the flesh, if only for a second. Doest God have male parts? And thusly, no man with his male parts intact shall ever enter into heavenly bliss."

    I think it's in there. If not, it should be.

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