Calgary Dad Wins Partial Court Victory in Daughter's Death Aug, 31 2007 - 12:30 PM
CALGARY/AM770CHQR - The father of a Calgary Jehovah's Witnesses teen who died after refusing blood transfusions has won a partial victory in the Alberta Court of Appeal. The province's highest court has ruled that Lawrence Hughes should not have been removed as an administrator of his late daughter's estate. The court has also restored his lawsuit on behalf of the estate alleging the Watchtower Society and its lawyers used mis-representation and deceit to convince his 16-year-old daughter Bethany chemotherapy and blood transfusions would not help cure her cancer and were experimental. However, the appeal court upheld the trial judges dismisal of Hughes' other claims including conflict of interest, undue influence and conspiracy.
Calgary Dad Wins Partial Court Victory in Daughter's Death
by AlphaOmega 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Let's make it easy for the MODS...
Dogpatch and myself posted the same post at the same time...
A step in the right direction.
That is great, I wonder if Lawrence was happy with the court for its findings? What will this mean for him fighting on, I know he has spent a lot of money fighting the WTS. I would hope he could be re-imbursed for all his court costs and time fighting this by the WTS. Any provision for that? I wish him luck I could not have continued fighting as long as he has but then the WTS is counting on him giving up going after them for the wrongful death of his daughter.