Did you see this ?
by mouthy 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks! I think dogpatch had something about it too.
I wondered what happened in his case. If I read this correctly, I think they are going to examine the legality of a religious belief that can persuade you to take your life .
Oh sorry if Dogpatch posted it.....Old age >Dah
Here's the link to DogPatch's thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/141221/1.ashx
"over allegations the church's influence hastened her death. "
Thanks, mouthy.
I wonder if this could also mean if an elderly person is harassed by the org members that the stress could also apply in this situation.
I am caretaker of 90 year old man and the church thugs came to my house to pass judgement about him having a female caretaker. I brought him home from hospital and he was nearly dead.
Thank you for this reinforcement.
I wonder if this could also mean if an elderly person is harassed by the org members that the stress could also apply in this situation.
Well Tula DR's say STRESS KILLS I would say YES!!!!
Thank you "mouthy" for posting it for us!
Cheers! Atlantis & Nevada-