So, who have more love for their neighbour out of these and more importantly, why?
Looking at how the the Witnesses are 'built' and 'constructed' some things are too perfect, rather than having any flow they have robotic responses to things and pre-decided thoughts for every situation you can think of (so the society can ensure they dont run away) so i ask the question - Do Jehovahs Witnesses have love and genuine concern for their REAL neighbours? (including and excluding JW's).
The Meetings, the arriving early and leaving a tad later to 'associate' is something the Society recommend unless your disfellowshipped so is that really a choice by Witnesses to make good friends with people and to help them or is that to prevent the affects of each meeting being driven from peoples minds the moment they leave the door?
I think there are genuine Witnesses, genuine people who are mislead and would give their life for their fellow brother if they felt it right but there are those who are in it for themselves and power - pretty much like the world.
However Apostates (labelled as such by the Society wrongly i might add) who might have their issues because of the Society, are still desperate to assist people see the 'truth' for what it is and have a REAL LIFE!
So who loves their neighbour more or are the true potential neighbours in every group and class of people?