I'm doing some scrap-booking and it's getting harder and harder to find pictures of my kids I can put in their books without a JW reference. Either it's been taken at an assembly, or a gathering (you know covered dish...bla) or there are only JW kids in it with them. All my baby showers were given by the "sisters" and there are so many faces I can't stop thinking about these people and wondering if they are still "in".
Thing is they all have told me how they hate that they were brought up in that cult and how it's affected their lives so I don't want to bring any more reminders to them. Oh and these are books I'm giving to each of them as a gift they don't know I'm doing them.
Anyway I decided to make one book JW crap in it, maybe at some time we can kick back and look at it with fond memories. They had some good childhood friends, we all did and assembly times were all about family getting together for us so those are good times to remember. I have to keep telling myself it wasn't all bad.
Anyone else have photos like this? What do you do with them? I have run across some good ones and would like to crop out the JW stuff so I can use them, has anyone done that?